Friday, April 4, 2008

Cats and Blackbirds

The rest of the Blackbird Jubilee fabric I ordered arrived yesterday! Woo-hoo! I took a photo because I thought you'd want to see it. My assistant got in the way a bit though.

Here she is again, keeping a close eye on me while I try to sew and guarding the appliqued cherry center--by laying on it.

Of course, if you know cats, you know they like to lay on stuff. The other night I was sewing and heard a crash. Since it wasn't a very loud crash and didn't sound like breaking glass, I ignored it for a bit. When I went out to the kitchen awhile later, though, I found the crash had been the sound of a wooden holder we use for napkins, miscellaneous papers and pads hitting the floor. And here she is, laying on all the papers--probably to make sure they didn't get away. A live paperweight, if you will.

I had noticed over the past month that although she doesn't like to sleep on the bed with us, she does want to stay close by and had taken to sleeping on any of my dirty laundry that may have ended up on the floor near the bed. And if there WAS no dirty laundry on the floor, she would dig around my shoes and stare at me until I PUT some of my clothes on the floor for her to sleep on. Because I simply had no laundry for her Monday night, she meowed at me until I threw my robe on the floor. Being a reasonably easy-to-train human, I thought maybe she'd like a bed--so Tuesday night after work I went to a local pet superstore and plunked out some of my hard earned cash on a cat bed. As you can see, she's very pleased with her new bed.

So pleased, in fact, that now if I stay up late on the computer, she gets up on the bed and meows at me, telling me to turn off the lights because it's her bedtime. Considering the fact that cats can't speak English, they sure don't seem to have too much trouble communicating sometimes!


  1. I Love your pretty grey cat, they definitely let you know what they want, mine has been sick all week and she is so unsettled...

  2. OK, when you're all finished with those blackbirds and cherries please send your scraps to me. OK?

    Love the cat bed but for heaven's sake turn the light off so she can get some rest. LOL

  3. Lol, if it isn't the kids it's the cat! They all want their way and are good at getting it :o)

  4. Your fur baby is just adorable! Mine all want to be in bed with us and fight to determine who gets to sleep next to me! I feel so honored. Usually my orange and white tabby, Aiden wins. I love your kitty pictures. With 5 of my own I am a sucker for good kitty tales.

  5. What a gorgeous cat, you are certainly well trained! Wonder how long she'll like her bed??

  6. Its good to see that you realize who's the boss! LOL. The furbabies really all are the same, aren't they? :-)

    I think I might have to go get myself some of that fabric. I especially like the one with te blackbirds on it, and the stripey one above it.

  7. Your cat is just beautiful!! A cat must really think they've hit paydirt when they realize that their home is a place where a quilter lives. Quilters have nurturing in thier very souls....and it must be the icing on the cake when that quilter is easily trained! hahahahahaha Loved the post!!

  8. I got a new kitty about a month ago and, in an attempt to get her used to the other 2 kitties, I put out a bed in the middle of the living room along the far wall. I thought she would feel like she had a good vantage point and wouldn't have to worry about the other 2 sneaking up on her.

    So, since she's been here a month, I moved the bed to a less noticeable position during the last cleaning spree. And then. Then she just stood in the spot where the bed was supposed to be, stared at me, and cried. Sigh. Bed back in the middle of the living room. Blue bed. Brown living room. Smart Mary Ann.

  9. That fabric is wonderful. I can't wait to see what your going to do with it. And we all need an assistant like you've got there.

  10. That blackbird cherries fabric is so cute.
    I went to three different shops in KC area and didin't see any of it. You were lucky finding what you wanted for those cherries. Spike is so smart. He has you right under his paw. LOL

  11. Awww, good mommy! Look how happy your kitty looks in the new bed -- how cute!

  12. I do love that fabric! Love the very satisfied look on your kitty's face. You're a very good mommy!
    Oh, I forgot to comment about bathing by candlelight - when you're in your mid-50's (as I am), even candlelight doesn't hide a darn thing, but it does soften the edges a bit. LOL! Something to look forward(?) to, right?

  13. Awww, cute kitty. I'm more of a dog person, but I do enjoy cats that like to sit on your lap and let you pet them, not the snotty kind. :)


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