Thursday, March 13, 2008


Yep, here it is, post number 400! And we have a winner!

As I've received comments in my email from my blogiversary post, I've moved them into a separate email folder. When I closed down the contest, I had 92 entries. I thought I'd use a random number generator, but when I checked out a few online and "tested" them, I didn't really like the way they generated numbers. So I used the old-fashioned kind of number generator. I cut up pieces of paper and numbered them 0 to 9. I did that with two sets and put them into a ceramic bowl and carried them out to my husband. After setting down a piece of KFC fried chicken and wiping off his greasy fingers, with great ceremony he reached into the bowl and first pulled out a "5" and then pulled out a "2"--the winner was the person who posted (or emailed me directly) the 52nd comment. I know--this is probably the boring part for you, but I just wanted to explain the selection process.

And the WINNER is: PAM A. FROM NY! (Pam1228)

Pam commented:

"Happy Blog a Versary!!! I just found your blog and enjoy your "tales"... so funny!!! Your quilt pieces are just beautiful!"

I guess flattery WILL get you somewhere, Pam!

I can't email Pam directly because the address line says "noreply-comment." Pam please email me with your snail mail address so I can get the bunny quilt mailed out to you. If you click on my blog where it says "view complete profile" in the sidebar and then click on "Email" in the upper left box, you can email me directly.

Thank you all for joining in my Blogiversary celebration! I wish I could send a quilt to each of you, but all I can send you is my thanks and my gratitude for stopping by to visit me in Blogland every so often!


  1. WooHoo - way to go, Pam! Congrats to you!

  2. Congratulations to Pam! But I have to say that I'm disappointed.
    I really like your spring quilt. Do you mind if I copy and make one for myself? Won't have it done for this year, but hopefully will have a spring quilt for next year.

  3. I tell you what! How did I miss out on your 400th post? I have got to keep up with things in your life, don't I? That quilt is absolutely adorable, and I (grudgingly) congratulate the winner! LOL Happy Belated Blogiversary to you, Kim, and may you enjoy many, many more!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!