Saturday, March 1, 2008

Spring's On The Way!

It was a beautiful spring day here in Northern California. I thought I might get out and wander around the local flea market today looking for treasures, but for a number of reasons, I decided to stay put and enjoy a relaxing Saturday at home. Instead, I wandered out to my own backyard to see what was in bloom.

Usually just as the star magnolia comes into bloom, a storm will come along and batter all the blossoms. That hasn't happened this year--so far!

I love when the spirea starts to blossom! Besides blooming bulbs, it's one of the first signs that spring is nearly here.

Besides quilting the tulip/bunny quilt, I played around with some blocks from a previous block swap. These were made using some spring colored fabrics. My next project perhaps?

Despite the nice weather during the day, the nights are still chilly enough to appreciate a good bowl of beef stew simmering in the crockpot. See that frilly double daffodil in the background? I found it kissing the soil under the weight of its blossom, so I decided to bring it in the house as a reminder that spring's on the way!


  1. Very pretty blooms, and daffodil' FAVORITE!!! Spring is definitely around the corner. Love those swap blocks. They will make a wonderful quilt.

  2. Oh, you are soo far ahead of us. All I have up are the tips of the daffodills. Maybe they will come up more if the weather gets to 60 as predicted the next couple of days. I'm so ready.

    Bout time you got those blocks into something.

  3. Catching usual!
    Love the photo of you-you are just as I thought!!!
    Your tulip quilt is gorgeous, and a butterfly will set it off perfectly.
    Lastly, SO proud of the ironing board!! I actually showed my work space recently...almost equals that board! Tracey

  4. oh you big show off you! wander over to my blog and you'll see what spring looks like in my backyard! you have white, I have white. yours is pretty flowers, mind is feet of snow. sigh.

  5. Well, I thought that we were starting to see spring around here, too. That's until I got caught in a whiteout situation last night at the Point of the Mountain.

    Your blossoms look beautiful, both in your yard and on your quilt!

  6. Wow you made a lot of progress! Girl, you quilt in a week as much as I do in a year!

  7. The stew looks hearty. And I love your bunny/spring quilt. That is so pretty Kim. Nice job. You were very busy this weekend.

  8. The stew looks hearty. And I love your bunny/spring quilt. That is so pretty Kim. Nice job. You were very busy this weekend.


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