Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Not Much Going On

Oddly enough, I don't have much to write about tonight. I stayed home sick from work today with a stomach bug, and so my world shrunk to a small, fairly boring space without a whole lot of mental stimulus. I'm feeling fine again tonight, and I'll head in to work tomorrow--whatever it was seems to have passed. Today I read a little, slept a little, and quilted a little. I didn't actually finish anything, so I don't have anything to show you. Aren't I boring?! ROFLOL! But I suspect you came here looking for a little amusement, so I'll give you a weird little snippet of a dream I had today when I was napping--that's about the best I can muster up.

In my dream, my friend Eileen from Maryland had come to visit. While she was here, my husband brought home a few new pets--right in the middle of some kind of BBQ party we were hosting, so there were a lot of people around, and we were all out in the backyard, which was an enormous space unlike the real thing. He set these pets down on some kind of sofa-type piece of furniture in the yard, and when I went to look, there were two baby puppies and an owl. I remember thinking it was a kitten, but when I tried to pick it up, I found it was an owl. So what do you think that means?! I suspect it just means I was sick! LOL!

I'm currently working on getting the binding on the rabbit wallhanging--if you haven't done so already, don't forget to leave a comment on Monday's blog post so you can get into the drawing!

Edit: Wednesday morning. I was just doing a little blog surfing and I saw a photo of an owl on Doe's roof. Mostly she was talking about Mary Engelbreit fabrics and new magazines. I think my dream owl led me to Doe, and the owl is telling me to get some ME fabric and magazines. Well, I have a jelly roll on order, but I guess I'll have to do something about the new magazines. Dream interpretation can be kinda fun!


  1. Or maybe the mail carrier hasn't been bringing you anything exciting, and you've been reading too much Harry Potter. Quick! Order some fabric online so the problem of boring mail will be solved! That's what I did - after all, I'm on a fabric diet, not fabric starvation!

  2. Yep, this is boring except for that crazy dream. Do you want some puppies?
    Maybe some day I can visit. In your dreams.

  3. I like Patti's interpretation and second that motion! Maybe it means it should be fabric outside your comfort zone. Glad your feeling better!

  4. Oh I love Eileen's comment "in your dreams"!

  5. It is my first visit to your blog and I have to say I was LOL about your Nude Series photo. Very cute. A video I just saw you might be interested in is Remembering and Interpreting Dreams on YouTube by Dr. Judith Orloff. Sweet dreams!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!