Friday, March 7, 2008

Disgruntled Again!

Remember last week I mentioned that I was a disgruntled employee because I realized that 29 days in the month of February meant that I was working an extra day that I hadn't had to work in the past three years? Which, of course, effectively reduced my rate of pay when my monthly salary was converted to an hourly wage?

Well, today one of the women I work with told me that Daylight Savings Time starts this weekend. You know what that means? We spring forward! So, not only did we work an extra day last week, but this week, we lose an hour of our weekend! ARGH! I mean really--is that fair? You'd think that if there was any justice in the world, the powers that be would put into effect a law that says during leap years, Daylight Savings Time is to commence at 3 p.m. on the Friday before the date when Daylight Savings Time would normally begin in non-leap years. Is that really too much to ask?

Now I have to figure out what hour I want to give up this weekend. Normally I'd be happy to give up an hour of cleaning house, but since I haven't cleaned house for the last couple weeks, I'm pretty sure I can't give up one of THOSE hours. I guess I could give up an hour of sleep, but those hours are pretty minimal as it is. Well, I WAS going to shave my legs this weekend; I guess I COULD give that up, so there's a good 15 minutes gained. And maybe if I don't change out of my PJ's all weekend, I could recoup another 10 minutes. Brushing my teeth? No, I think I'd better not try to skimp there. Cooking? Well, that's possible. Obviously this is going to require some thought and planning.

What hour are you planning to give up?


  1. I'm not giving up any hours. They will have to pull the clock from my cold, dead hands! I will remain on the current time and everyone else will have to adjust...

  2. Why did you have to bring that up? I was just beginning to think we were getting some daylinght this early in the morning. Now it will be dark again when I get up. Or maybe I'll sleep longer and DH wil just have to wait for the paper.

    But then we will have an extra hour of daylight in the evening. Be able to go out and enjoy the evening, like raking leaves.

    You will survive.

  3. I plan to go to work an hour late on Monday thereby giving up an hour of work! ROFL!

  4. I saved 19.78 seconds per day over the course of the last 182.5 days. Sunday morning I'll dump them outta the fruit jar I've kept them in and use 'em all up at once.

  5. Don't have to fret about giving up an hour on the Surface of the Sun - we leave our clocks alone. LOL

  6. I HATE Daylight Savings!GRRRRR I wish we were all like Darlene and they just left our clocks alone! Maybe, I should move to Arizona, hmmmmmmm makes a long commute to work for hubby though. lol

  7. Why did you have to mention this. Now I will have to plan what hour I need to give up. I do think it will be a hour of sleeping. I have quilt shows to go to on Saturday! And a ton of sewing to do on Sunday. The house will have to wait! Sounds like a wise choice to me.

  8. I am so with you, Kim...this is a quilt retreat weekend, and hello?!?! I have to forfeit an hour of it? Whaaa?!?

  9. I don't have to give up an hour, I just now have to remember that everyone is now an hour more later than me.... so east coast is 6 hours ahead of me (my sister), central is 5 hours ahead of me (my dad and other sister) and west coast is 3 hours ahead of me (my friends from washington). I was just getting used to the times, now I have to count on my fingers again what time it is somewhere else.

  10. I rant and rave about losing the hour every single year. Why can't it be an hour of work that we lose and not our time? I'm with you Kim!I think it's time we have a revolution over this. (And just to make you feel even worse -- you're losing an hour every single day -- not just on Sunday -- think about it).

  11. The only thing worse than spring daylight savings, is when my husband is on nights during the fall daylight savings and has to work the extra hour in his regular shift time.

  12. I will give up an hour of sleep. Since I don't sleep all that much anyway, that seems to be the easiest thing to give up.

  13. Happily "time adjusted" in Tucson, AZ.


  14. I gave up the hour between 4 and 5 this morning! Hah! The dogs love this time of year - they get fed an hour earlier today! I will be thrown off all day today. Waaaahh!! Okay, I'm done now....


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!