Sunday, February 17, 2008

What's Up Doc?

I've been sidetracked once again from doing what I had planned. Remember I mentioned having all these gazillions of ideas in my head? Today I woke up and it felt like a good day for making carrots instead of pinning a quilt. So I got out my carrot-making stuff. Would you like to see how they're made?

First I cut a 16" square out of freezer paper. Then I drew a line from one corner to the opposite corner on the diagonal. This would give me two 45 degree templates for the bodies of the carrots. To give me a curved top edge for the carrots, I drew an arc using a 16" string tied to a pencil--the same idea as using a protractor, but I don't happen to have a 16" protractor, so that worked just fine. It doesn't have to be precise. It's not rocket science; just carrot science. Then I trimmed on the line of the arc and cut the two carrot "bodies" apart. In other words, each carrot body forms a 45 degree wedge with the top edge curved. Here's what one of my freezer paper templates looked like (see how that top edge is curved?):

Then, using the templates, I traced the pattern onto muslin and cut out six carrot shapes:

Next I sewed each shape closed at the seams, starting at the top and working down to the pointed tip of the carrot:

After I turned the carrots right side out, seam side in, I was ready to stuff them.

Amid all my crafty supplies, I found an old bag of batting and started stuffing. The nice thing about stuffing carrots is that you don't have to worry about lumps and such--lumpy carrots look just fine!

After I had them stuffed to a point that looked good to me--about 3" from the top edge--I gathered the top together and tied it with a scrap of muslin that I had cut about 1/2" wide. I wrapped the muslin tie around twice and tied a knot. Then I cut the tops about every 3/4", from the end to about 1/2" above the tie, all the way around to make a carrot top "fringe."

Carrots! Okay, white carrots. Now what?

Next I got out some craft acrylic paint. Using mostly an orange with a little bit of brown dotted in, I painted the carrots orange. Adding layers of slightly different shades of orange and brown will give your carrots a bit of texture and will make them look more real, but it's not really necessary.

After my orange carrots dried a bit, I got out the green paint. I added a little bit of water so it would soak into the fabric a little better and go a little further. Then I painted the carrot "fringe" tops. Voila! Carrots! All ready for the Easter bunny!


  1. OH You are so crafty what a nice bunch of carrots you have!! Creativity is what I don't have..thanks for sharing!!

  2. OK better keep them out of sight or your DH might decide to nibble on onw. LOL

    So what are you going to do wtih these? Put them around one of your bunnies.??

    Really clever I must say.

  3. What a fun project in time for Easter--thanks for sharing it with us! I may have to buy some more bunnies just for those carrots!!

  4. Oh, so cute! They would adorable in a bowl or on a tray. I'll take a bunch, please! teehee

    Thank you for the instructions!

  5. This is very clever!! They will be so cute in a basket on the table, maybe with a stuffed bunny! I might have the kids do this project, I think they would enjoy it.

  6. Well aren't you clever? They are very cute Kimmers. LOL!! But who are the girls on the newspaper??? ROFLOL Is that blonde you???

  7. Well now, isn't that very creative Ms. Kim?

  8. A very clever and darling idea *s*

  9. Oh Kim you are one clever girl...those are as cute as they can be.

  10. Very cute and nicely written instructions.

  11. Adorable! Aren't you just Ms Craftypants!?

  12. Hey hey -- welcome to Kims Short Attention Span Theater! That's the way to play - do whatever strikes you at that moment. Cute cute cute carrots and great tute! Thanks for sharing that!

  13. Very cute Kim! Thanks for showing us your method!

  14. Really Cute! Every rabbit needs carrots. :o)

  15. That is very creative!! I enjoyed reading your blog. I am a new quilter so I have been very inspired by reading other quilting blogs!

    I've added your blog to my blog links!

  16. Wow, I like your first nude self potrait. I must admit, I have never seen hair nude! You might want to change your blog to adult content! ROFLOL Thanks for showing how to make carrots. Mine take a lot longer to produce then yours! Then again, I start with a seed! LOL Off to play catchup, now that I can see pictures!

  17. My only question, in the nicest possible, "why?".
    I adore your husband's valentine's presents!!! They are fantastic, he really has a talent.
    Loved the birthday story, you are a cool MUM...and yes, definitely took after the father! Tracey

  18. Honestly this is one of the things I like about you, you do the weirdet things! Carrots. who would have thought of that but you?

  19. OMG! I remember those! that was the same time I tried using natural dyes on my eggs! Last Easter was not good to either of us!

  20. How cool is that! Thanks Kim for sharing this crafty idea of yours, love it! Not only has your hair not fallen out from that color, I think it's sparked even more creativeness! LOL

  21. Those carrots look great Kim! What a neat idea. Hmmn...and it's possible I might be making some of them soon. My daughter told me last night she wants to decorate the house. Of course, this means I need to clean it...and actually get some decorations for Easter (Christmas, check. Halloween, check. Other holidays? Not so much...ooops!)

  22. I love the carrots!

    Today is my first time to visit your blog. I'm not really sure how I got here, but I'm so glad I did!

  23. Those carrots look good enough for anybunny to eat, or decorate with. What a clever lady you are, Kim! They are so cute!


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