Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday!

Yep, I voted. California held its primary election today. Since this isn't a political blog, I won't go into the details, but I will say that one of my criteria on choosing a candidate is who I think Saturday Night Live can get the most laughs with. Now, if they can only end the writer's strike by the November elections, we should have some fun! And speaking of having some fun--

I have no idea who these people are, but a friend of mine sent me some sexy "mature" folks photos, and since I know some of you knit . . . . Well, all I can say is that you ladies are obviously a lot wilder than I gave you credit for! (Just be glad I didn't post the photo of the 90-year-old woman wearing a thong bikini! Now that I think about it, she's probably the one who started the whole Valentine-nighties-in-the-middle-of-winter thing!)


  1. Now there's a criteria for choosing a canidate I can live with. LOL..love the picture. Gonna have to get me some knitting needles fast!

  2. Oh Kim, too funny!!! In the top ten list of things I miss from home is SNL and there take on the presidents. Even on the dreariest of Irish days your blog never fails to bring a smile to my face and more often than not a got hearty chuckle!!

  3. Love it!!! hehehe...Like that hat!

  4. Now there's an interesting criteria for choosing your presidential candidate! But really, will there ever be another president with more stuff to make fun of than W? LOL

  5. I think all the writers are hoping that the strike ends so that they can take a hack at the campaigns and debates and the last year of W. Beth is right. The political comedy gig is definitely going to get harder once he's out of office! Nice hat! :)

  6. LOL...thanks for the laugh. As for the wildness of knitters...I take the 5th! Love the valentine's quilt you've been working on as well as your Thimbleberries club variation. I really like your modifications to it -- much lighter and brighter!

  7. You are crazy girl... that is so funny!

  8. Oh come on you can admit those are your family members on election day!!! They dont call it Super Tuesday for nothing!!!! ROFLOL!!!

  9. That is one scary looking bunny!

  10. Good for you!! I'm proud of you for voting!! You voted for the gal that "will knit for sex", didn't you? Or can you do the write-in thing this time? Oh well, there's always next time....... tee hee!!


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