Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hoppin' Toward Easter

I had mentioned on Monday that I hadn't checked the mail yet but would show you what I got if I found any happy little boxes in there. There were.

I went on a little shopping spree at 5BucksaYard just because I'm worth it!

Then there was a package from Quilters Quarters. They had a fantastic sale on Theresa's handdyed buttons--I must have ordered about 10 packages of different, mostly red, buttons, but I guess I wasn't the only one who found that sale, because I only received 3 packages. That's okay though!

Then there are the bunnies. Yes, Easter is on my mind. I ordered the little Willie Raye pull bunny above from Quilters Quarters and the bunny wallhanging pattern below.

The bunny sweatshirt pattern is one I picked up on my trip to the local quilt shop on Saturday--I think I'll use the pattern for a wallhanging though, instead of a sweatshirt. These are just too cute! I'm excited about getting started on a bunny project soon!

It's about time for me to get hopping off to work--enjoy your day, whatever it brings!


  1. Those are some really nice purchases. I've always love Teresa's buttons but can't get them here anymore, I guess I'm too late for the sale.
    Thinking of bunnies already...I'm still thinking of valentines.

  2. Oh those bunnies are just so adorable, and I know who else loves bunnies.

  3. You have been doing a fine job helping out the economy!!

    The bunnies on the sweatshirt are so cute - but I don't think I'd be wearing a bunny sweatshirt but they would look so cute on a wall hanging.

    My husband finally got a cell phone this summer - he found that there were a few stops and rock slides etc. on the highway and he was asking other drivers to borrow their phone - so he caved in -LOL

  4. Cute bunnies and buttons! A nice save for the economy Keep up the good work!

  5. Really nice stuff there, I am going to have to go check out those websites. Love the Williraye bunny, I have a ton of the stuff myself. If you have a Tuesday Morning near you, go check them out once in a while, I got a couple pieces of it there a couple of months ago for $5 apiece!

  6. I love, love, love those bunnies! I work with bunnies and have bunny stuff all around me. Whatever isn't cats is bunnies!!

  7. Kim, Kim, Kim. I can't keep up with you -- everytime I turn around, you've got 500 new posts! Cute patterns and fabrics. Congratulations on your succesful efforts to raise the DOW. My retirement years to come thank you. I'm SO with you on the don't call- send e-mail thing. I HATE calling people and talking on the phone (except for mom and sis) 'cause you never know if people are in the middle of something and just too polite to say. Congrats on your new safety purchases anyway -- they do come in handy in a pinch!

  8. I am going to have to hop on over to Quilters Quarters and check them out! Love the bunny and the bunny pattern. What great goodies.

  9. Your purchases are all wonderful! I have that bunny quilt pattern, and totally forgot about it. Thank you for reminding me!
    The Willie Raye bunny is adorable!


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