Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Back to Reality

The holidays are over and it's time to go back to work and get on with life. Part of me is relieved to be done with the deadlines and the pressure they can bring, while part of me wishes the holidays could go on a little longer!

This next weekend, I'll probably take down much of the Christmas decorations and get them packed away for next year, but I'll leave a few "winter" things up around the house for now, and I'll leave many of my red and white things out in the kitchen. I love the tradition that several people have of bringing out their snowmen after Christmas--I may leave a few of mine out. Mostly, though, I'll start to get ready for Valentine's Day.

I guess you can tell I'm a sucker for holidays of any kind. Yes, I really do decorate for Valentine's Day. In fact, I leave the smallish tree up in the kitchen--I take off the Christmas ornaments and add hearts and things in their place.

A couple of you were curious/anxious/downright demanding about what those pink and red squares were going to be--the ones I gave you a peek at between all those tamales. Those are now blocks--

I have some alternate blocks to make and I'll need to do some applique in the border, but I'm hoping this won't take too long to make because I'd like to put it up on my kitchen wall in place of the It's a Wrap quilt.

I have so many ideas and things to do floating around in my head, that I'd love to have a couple more days off to work on them, but back to work I must go to support my quilting habit. Thanks for stopping in to visit!


  1. Those blocks are cute, cute, cute! Is it for me?? OK, I know it's not. Dagnabbit!!!!! LOL

    The tamales look yummy - I can almost smell them. Double YUM!!

  2. OH your hearts are just darling. I love the contrast of white/red & pink. This I'm sure will make a beautiful quilt.

  3. I think that block is so cute. I actually have a little topper with those blocks pinned and ready to be quilted. I'd better get going on it so it will be ready for Valentines THIS YEAR. LOL!

  4. Cute, cute, cute, Kim!!! Am I mistaken, or is that pattern in a magazine that I'm likely to have? :D Darlene has a Valentine fat quarter bundle that she's sending to me, so I could make me one of that pattern!!! ROFL

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog!! I love the fabrics you used to make the blocks!

  6. What a cute block! Oh it's going to be a great Valentine quilt.

  7. Your valentines quilt is so adorable with the pinks and reds. I look forward to seeing more of your valentine decorating.

  8. Love the pink and red heart! That will be great for Valentines Day!

  9. Please tell Ms.Darlene that the heart quilt is for ME!!!! She'll get over it trust me.
    I love it!!! i really like Valentine's day decorating.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!