Sunday, December 30, 2007

January--Finish It Up Month!

I've been doing some thinking about this resolution of mine to only make quilts this year that I really, really, really like and what quilts I might put on my list of quilts to make. Somewhere along that mental path, I realized I still have several small quilts that are pinned and ready to be quilted--I had to put them aside for the Christmas Madness. I also have the quilt I'm working on now for my brother's Christmas gift to finish up. And then there are one or two quilty and non-quilty gifts I need to make. So I've decided that January will be my month to finish up these projects and tidy up and organize the Sweat Shop.

I picked up this metal "bucket" on sale somewhere, and I think I'll use it to store some of my smaller, Christmas related projects that I want to make this year. The first thing to go in it is this wool tabletopper with the Santas on it. That's something I thought I might get to this year but didn't. I was thinking it might make a nice project to take to work on during my lunch hours at the office.

Currently, though, I'm working on the quilt for my brother. Yesterday I made a gazillion half square triangles which then grew into pinwheel blocks. Today I'm setting them into 9-patch blocks. The quilt has 13 of these blocks. Then I'll need to make 12 leaf blocks which will be set between the pinwheel blocks. I had decided quite awhile back that I wouldn't make the small pinwheel blocks that the pattern shows as a final border. That would take FOREVER and I don't think it really adds that much to the quilt. Cute, yes, but worth all that time? And then worrying about whether the binding would cut off the points? Nope! Not for me!

It's time for me to take a sewing break and run out to the quilt shop for batting for this quilt. I also need to go to a different grocery store to look for a couple things I need for tamales--I took pity on my husband and thought I'd make that trip myself since I'll be out anyway. Look for my tamale recipe and instructions in the next couple days!

I hope you're enjoying your weekend and the winding down of 2007!


  1. Love the blocks -- 8 inch Size? I wish you all the best in the new year!!!

  2. Congrats on having a great plan for 2008 Kim. I can't think that far ahead, my house is still a wreck from the holidays LOL! I love the pinwheels and the fabrics you're using -- can't wait to see the finished quilt!

  3. I wouldn't worry about those points. But that's just me. I'm sure your points will be pointing perfectly.
    Are you done with those tamales yet?? And where's the dang recipe?

  4. Hello, I am Kristie from Kentucky. I ran on to your blog and I think your quilting is just beautiful. Love your idea of putting your Christmas sewing in the bucket. Great idea! I may have to try that, I need to be a little more organized.

    Come visit

  5. Whew -- and here I thought I had been busy in the run up to Christmas! I bow to the master!!! Love the gifts you made for your "kids" and for your son's girlfriend. Just too much fun. As for the resolutions thing -- I think I may just play along! Give me a couple of days to do some catch-up posts and my quilting resolutions will be up and running! Happy New Year's Kim!

  6. What a great goal...sounds like one I need to get on board with! I had made a deal last year with a friend to finish up a Christmas project every month. Think I made it to February :-)!! Ok, think I'll join in. Love the colors of your brothers quilt. Happy New Year to you.

  7. I was thinking the same as you. January will be my finish projects month. I have a lot of small projects that needs to be finished. No new projects in january, just old ones!!!

    Happy new year!!

  8. I've now made a challenge with a prize of this "January- finish it up month" Hope that's okei with you.

  9. Love that tub you found!!! :D What a great storage idea! Those pinwheels are so pretty...just my colors! :)

  10. I like the idea of letting January be a finish it up month. That fits well with my plans. And I love that metal bucket. Great display piece.

  11. Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

  12. Congrats on setting plans for Jan...I need to think about that soon. After reading Linda's list I'm afraid of how big mine will be.

    I love the pinwheels, I have the same pattern. It just might inspire me to start that one again...well I did one block and set it aside...hohummm.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!