Saturday, December 22, 2007

Is It Christmas Yet?!

I am SOOOOO far behind on my blog reading, it's not even funny! I hope all of you are enjoying a happy holiday season. I hope to catch up with you all soon. To tell you the truth, I've been so busy, I haven't even had a chance to open my snail mail--and THAT's sad! Last night my husband and I were both up until 3 a.m., trying to get things done.

I have a lot to tell you about, though, and some things to show you. First of all, let's get my husband out of the way--that's usually one of my goals!

My husband's been busy crafting some pot people for our two kids for Christmas. I've mentioned before that he likes to tinker in the garage, creating things from other unusual objects, and these are one of those projects. These little "sculptures" are either surfers or snowboarders. Right now, they're hanging on our fence on brackets. When the wind blows, their boards and legs move, and it looks like they're riding the waves--or the snow. I think he's going to have to make one of these for me too! He's so creative when the mood hits him.

My work "kids" and I exchanged Christmas gifts yesterday. They got me a gift card from JoAnn's, which you KNOW I'll put to good use! They know me well. I'll have to show you the card they gave me and tell you about it; I wanted to keep it on my desk and didn't have my camera, so that will have to wait until next week. It's the cutest thing!

Remember the red and white quilt I teased you with? Well, that was for my boy boss, who is a big Ohio State fan--he went to law school at Ohio State. "His" team is playing in the BCS championship game this year, so I thought he might need a quilt for the occasion. It's not huge, but it will keep his legs and feet warm.

My girl boss has a little dog named Lucy that she just adores. Lucy is an Italian greyhound, which pretty much just looks like a little dog to me, but for those of you who might be familiar with dog breeds, I thought I'd mention it. Lucy is the star of the journal I made for my boss and is wearing a crown in the photo on the front. The letters spell "Queen Lucy."

I also made a collage of different things on inside front and back covers. She can use the journal to write in or just keep photos of Lucy. I love seeing all those blank pages in journals because there are so many possibilities!

I have more things to tell you about and show you, but it's time for me to get ready to go. We have our annual Christmas get together at my husband's parents' house today. I hope you're enjoying this holiday weekend and staying away from the crowds at the malls! Thanks for stopping in to visit!


  1. Those dudes are TOOO cute! What did he use for their hair? IMWTK! The red/white quilt is BEAUTIFUL!! and the journal is perfect. I bet they were so pleased. Merry Christmas!

  2. WOW your hubby is one creative guy. I think you should keep him. LOL!!! Those guys are too funny. Love the quilt and the book you made for your "kids". I know they had to love them. That quilt turned out great!! Love that braid design.

  3. The gifts for your 'kids' are wonderful! But this ole LSU fan won't hold that Ohio quilt against you!! LOL. Geaux Tigers!! And the pot people -- pot heads? -- are great! Your hubby is a keeper!

  4. Great journals and quilt, but I hate to say it your hubby trumped you in this post. Those potty people are just fabulous. Like the others said he's a keeper.

  5. I love all the projects. But I do agree... those pot people stole the show!

    Do you think you can get hubby to go slow and take it one step at a time when he makes one for your garden??? I for one would REALLY appreciate an online tutorial!!!

    Have pity on the rest of us out here that don't have such a creative man around!

  6. Wow - your hubby is very talented! Those guys are so cool! Your quilt is beautiful and the journal is a work of art. I'm sure both recipients LOVED their gifts! Very nice, Kim!
    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  7. Those are so cute! Clever girl marries clever big surprise....LOL
    Your gifts for your kid bosses are wonderful! Have a wonderful Christmas!

  8. Both of you are very talented! everything you posted has left me with my mouth watering! I love them!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!!


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