Friday, November 16, 2007

One More Day . . .

Today's a big day!
Today is my last day of work for a week. I'm pretty excited about that, believe me! My daughter's coming from Tahoe on Monday to stay for a couple days(yep, WITH the drooling dog!) and we'll have our Thanksgiving celebration on Monday. After that, the fall decorations will be packed away until next fall, and I'll start to decorate for Christmas.

Today is also the day that my work "kids" get their bar results. Passing the bar examination in California is by no means an easy thing to do, and I have known other very good attorneys who didn't pass the first time they took it. Then again, I've known several idiots who passed on the first attempt. Come to think of it, maybe it's a little like getting a driver's license--there are plenty of idiots out on the road!

I've worked with the "kids" for a couple months now and I'm pretty confident they'll both pass, but you just never know. I hear the pass rate in California for this sitting is somewhere around 70 to 75 percent. They'll get their results at 6 p.m. tonight, and you can bet I'll be staying a little bit late at work to find out how they did.

When I checked my email Thursday, I found that my niece Kelly had left a comment to my post about the difficulties of giving my older cat antibiotics. You just never know who's reading your blog, do you?! Hey, Kelly! Just in case you're reading, thanks for leaving me a comment! Unfortunately, I don't have Kelly's email address--as an aunt, I guess I'm a bit of a slacker. I DID make her a quilt for Christmas last year though. Kelly's been involved with riding horses all her life and has been in a number of big shows--her accomplishments are really impressive. Anyway, this "cowboy" focus fabric cracked me up and I decided to make her a quilt using it. Truthfully, though, I think one of my nephews liked the fabric a lot more than she did, but that's another story. Anyway, here's the quilt:

And by way of catching up, my cat finished her course of antibiotics a couple days ago and seems to be doing fine. Not only that, but I still have all my fingers and nothing's infected from scratches or bites. We finally worked out a system where most of the time, I'd hold the cat cradled in my arms with a good grip on her paws, and my husband would pry her jaws open and pop the pill in. As soon as he got it in, he'd hold her jaws shut until she swallowed. That really worked out well. Thanks for all your suggestions and help!

It seems like there were one or two other "updates" I was going to mention but I can't remember them now. I really shouldn't be messing around on the computer in the wee hours of the morning because I think portions of my brain have already gone to sleep. Both last night and tonight, I sent emails, logged out of my email program (last night I had actually shut down the computer!), and had to log back in to double check that I really DID send the emails to the people I meant to send them to.

I think one of my problems is just not having enough time on the computer during normal waking hours. I've even fallen behind on a lot of my blog reading. I plan to remedy that, though, while I'm off work. Just one more day . . . .


  1. Hey hey - I have a large hunk, I mean CHUNK of that fabric too -- great use! I've been wondering how to use it without abusing him, er, IT. That makes a quilt that's really hot, ummm, I mean warm and cuddly of course.
    Oh heck - awesome!

  2. WooHoo -- I'm right there with you -- a whole week off! I hope you enjoy yours and have a great time!

  3. Ha ha! I was wondering if I was the only one getting that vibe from that fabric. I have that and some contstruction guy and police guy fabric that I am going to make a village people quilt out of ... for my brother. He'll love it! ;)

  4. Wow! A whole week off...that'll be great!

    Good luck to the kids! &&

  5. I hope you have a wonderful week. Hoping you won't be stuck on drool

  6. My daughter just recently finished college and passed her nursing boards. She is now working in a hospital and I was thinking of making her a scrub top out of this fabric. But, I haven't decided yet, if it is exactly appropriate or not. But I think it sure is attractive. Maybe I will make me a cuddle quilt. Not sure if DH will like that though. LOL

  7. Wow, a whole week off! WooHoo! I can't wait to see how you spend your time.

    Well, did the twins pass??????

  8. I'm catching up with you. Well, trying to move faster than I do, even with your sore back. Sorry to hear you threw it out! Bummer!

    Hope you're feeling better soon! I think your chocolate therapy is fabulous! LOL

  9. I can imagine the "kids" will be pretty worthless today. But a whole week off?!? WOO HOOO!!!!

  10. Enjoy your week off. You lucky girl. I say that as if I work!! LMAO!!! But still a whole week off!!!! WOOOOO HOOOOOOO And OMG i think I need one of those quilts with the hunks on board!! I could really curl up with that!!

  11. I have the week off too! Now, if I can just stay off the computer long enough to get stuff

    So, did they pass? You have us all on pins and needles!

  12. A whole week off! I can just imagine how much sewing you are going to get done, or are you going to hang out with the family? Kelly's going to love that quilt! I'm glad your kitty is done with the meds, and everyone survived with fingers intact!


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