Friday, November 9, 2007

My Personal Quilting "Holy Grail"

Boy have I been a grump tonight! The truly annoying thing is that I have absolutely no idea why. A quick calculation tells me that nope, it's not PMS. Menopause? Humph. Maybe. Maybe I need chocolate. Send chocolate, okay?! Hurry!

Work was good--and it has been lately. The "kids" are fine to work with--I enjoy them. They only have a little over a week to go before they find out whether they passed the California Bar and get to start practising "real" law. And I've been indulging in some retail therapy, but more about that later. So why have I been a grump? Could it be having to cram antibiotics down the throat of a pissed off cat twice a day? Maybe.

My husband is feeling really sorry for our remaining dog, and I think he's been over-compensating with the attention he's given him. So much so that when my husband put the dog in his run tonight, the dog did nothing but bark and whine. He never used to do that. Yes, he did bark sometimes, but it was only when people were passing by on the street. Now it's different. And he's not supposed to BE a house dog--he lives outside. I'm sure the neighbors are pleased with us. Yeah, that's sarcasm. So that was bugging me. But was that making me grumpy, or was it bothering me because I was already grumpy? I think the latter.

So, anyway, the title of this post--you're probably wondering what that has to do with me living in grump-dom. Nothing. Actually, it's just another reason why I SHOULDN'T be grumpy.

I think you probably know that I like Thimbleberries stuff. For several years now, I've been hunting down a fabric that I'd consider my own holy grail of quilting. I had a bit of it, but it's really a border print and I didn't have enough for a border. Today I won an eBay auction and scored a little over 2 yards--YES! Woo-hoo! Yippeee! Retail therapy! That's the print at the top. It's probably not really that exciting to most of you and it's almost too "cute" for my tastes now, but for some reason, I just love that print. So today I accomplished my fabric-finding mission!

Is my life complete though? Well, there's actually something else I've been watching for--Thimbleberries stuff again. Have you seen the new Cover Story panels? Well, they're awfully cute and all, but I don't think they're nearly as cool as the originals that were released back in the 90s sometime. I know Kristie could tell you about them and be more accurate than me, but here's what I think/know. I believe there were something like 10 original cover story panels. The panels were vintage reproduction art/greeting card-type prints printed onto muslin. I have four of them--I'd surely like to add some of the others to my "collection" one of these days. Here are the four I have:

And here's a photo of one of the Christmas panels so you can get an idea what these look like:

And just in case you have any of these hanging around in a drawer or cupboard and don't want them, send them to me. I promise I'll give them a good home! Or if you ever see any around anywhere for sale, let me know. It's good to have a goal, isn't it? Is there anything you collect or have been looking for for ages?

Oh, yeah, and I'm still looking for that non-grumpy, happy Kim. If you see her, send her home--I miss her! Tell her to bring chocolate. Time for bed--I'm hoping she'll be here by the time I wake up.


  1. Chocolate you don't need. Tha's bad for the diet. Remember?

    Sounnds like what you need is some good sleep. I think yesterday muct have been a DOWN day. Sure was for me.

    Hope someone comes up with one of those old Cover story for you. Wouldn't that just be the best.

    I'll take a couple of the new ones. Good enough for me.

  2. I saw your win and was SO happy for you! Now to find the perfect quilt for that border fabric...

  3. Yea, sounds like you need some good chocolate! I do like the Halloween panel. I've been thinking of ordering the kit from that shop that is affiliated with Lynette. I do like Thimbleberry but not all of it. Hum... I should finish machine quilting the Pine Grove quilt to show. That's a Thimbleberry, earlier books and one of my favourite. Oh, I do hope you get back to your normal self. Keep well!

  4. Whoa Mama you need a big bag of chocolate and NOW!

    I used to do quite a bit of Thimbleberries stuff and have quite a bit of fabric stuffed in the closet. I wonder if I have some of your newly acquired fabric - hmmmmm! Will have to look someday.

    I'll have to post a picture on my blog of four T'berries kits in cans that I purchased at the Houston Festival in 1992. I absolutely love them - I've never made the kits but they are fun to display in my sewing room. :-)

  5. Love the Thimblerries. They'll be classics for sure-- never going out of style.

  6. Sounds like "SOMEONE" should have joined our chocolate swap. I'm just sayin. MS. GRUMPY!!! Congrats on your Thimbleberries find. Doesn't that make you a big happier? Well it should. Sorry your feeling down. Really I am.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!