Sunday, November 11, 2007

I Didn't Mean To Do It

I had my day all planned out. I was going to clean house early and then work on a tree skirt for a swap. I was going to hook up the printer I got with my computer last year. The one I still haven't hooked up. The one I bought paper for the other day.

I decided to eat some cereal before starting on the house cleaning, so I carried my bowl into the Sweat Shop and turned on the TV. While munching and crunching, I looked around and I realized the Sweat Shop was no longer my happy little sanctuary--it was a disorganized, cluttered mess! By the time I finished my cereal, I had decided that I really MUST clean up my room.

Three hours later and things were looking much nicer in the Sweat Shop, but the rest of the house still needed to be cleaned. AND I still had a few Halloween decorations up that needed to be put away. AND I still had a few Thanksgiving decorations to get out.

Four and a half hours later, and the rest of the house was looking pretty good! The photo at the top is one of two placemats I made last year. Since I had my new Halloween placemats on the table this year, these haven't seen much action until now. Now these are out. Along with a few other Thanksgiving/Fall goodies.

In cleaning up the Sweat Shop, I came across a BOM kit from a class I had taken about a year and a half ago. I had almost finished the first block--it just had a little applique left. Ah ha! The applique pieces were all prepped, so I set the block and the pieces aside--it seemed a good project to take to work and work on during my lunch hour.

After cleaning the rest of the house, I returned to the Sweat Shop, thinking about that tree skirt. Then I saw the BOM block. And I realized my piecing really, really sucked! How did that happen?! And the fabrics I had used didn't have enough contrast. So I thought I'd just fix that block up so I could take it to work this week and finish the applique.

Four hours later and the block is fixed. Here's a photo:

Of course, it still needs that applique finished. And I still need to make five more blocks. And set them. And border them. So, just a bit left to do before that one's done. But I didn't mean to work on that block at all. I meant to work on a tree skirt. And I didn't mean to clean the Sweat Shop either. But I'm glad I did! Here are a couple photos of my tidy work space--sorry they're kind of dark, but it's getting late, the light's not that great, and I've spent the day doing stuff I never planned to do in the first place!


  1. Somtimes (eh....often) when I enter the sewingroom planning to do one thing I end up with something else. Your block is georgius. I understand that you wanted to work on this.

  2. Doesn't it feel great when your work area is tidy? My mind feels less cluttered when I'm not distracted mess around me.
    Your block is super cute!

  3. Better pack that block away, ready to take to work, or it'll keep calling you!

    I had one of those days too but the distractions weren't self-imposed. Oh well, a new day - a new plan, right? LOL.

    Enjoy your day off!

  4. Well the day turned out great...if you had planned n cleaning the Sweat Shop you would have fretted and dreaded it...this way it just happened...what a happy change in plans.

  5. Cute BOM block. Now what will you do today?

    All day to mess up the sweat shop.

  6. Love the placemats!

    Wonderful BOM.

    I haven't been feeling well the past couple of days so I didn't rake my sewing room like I planned but did manage to tidy up a little. Yours looks fabulous. Having it better organized and tidied makes it so much easier to be inspired. :-)

  7. Sweet placemats! Amazing what we find when we clean in our sewing room! Hum.... that's why I avoid my closets in there. I know I'll find something to unfocus me more than I already am! ;o) Your blocks are looking good!

  8. Heya! I tagged you for a meme if you'd like to play. I know some people are anti-meme, but hopefully you're not, 'cause I think they are fun! :)

  9. Sometimes you just need to stop and put a little sweat into cleaning the sweat shop!! Love that little block OMG it's adorable and that pumpkin placemat is great too.

  10. Wow, very impressed, a big day indeed!!
    Hey, my 200th post today, come and name the pic! Tracey

  11. I am spending this morning reading your blog, Kim! I really need to stop by every day to 'see' you, but I seem to run out of time! I have way too many days where I have plans and do something completely different, and I'm always happy I did! Your placemat is so pretty! And the BOM block is beautiful - I would've liked a 'before' shot, too. The Sweat Shop is lovely, but I'm sure you've messed it up by now! I would hope so, anyway.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!