Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Getting Ready . . .

I've spent much of the evening getting ready to go on our mini vacation, doing laundry and such. Someone I know once said they felt like a ferret on speed--yep, that's exactly how I've been feeling the last several days. It seems like I've barely had a chance to catch my breath since sometime last week. I'm sadly behind in my blog reading for one thing. Hopefully once we come home on Saturday night, I'll have a couple days to relax and get caught up on life at home.

Sharon over at Red Geranium Cottage got back from her own mini vacation and wrote me to ask whether I'd gotten the packet of patterns I won from her. Yes, indeed I did get the package, but that's all I knew at the time. Why? Because all of my mail for the last several days has piled up with no time to sort or open any of it. Finally, FINALLY tonight I did just that. Look at the great patterns Sharon sent me!

Well, look if you can--I'm really and truly a poor photographer, without a doubt. But if you can't quite make out what a nice haul I received, take my word for it! One of the patterns is actually a punch needle kit. Have you tried that yet? I haven't but I keep eyeing the patterns because they're so darn cute! Now I have a really good reason to try it. I need to get one of the needles, but maybe I can pick one up on my travels.

You may wonder what I've been busy doing that has kept me so insanely occupied. Actually, so do I! Here it is, Wednesday night, and I can't even really remember what I've been doing since sometime before last weekend. Okay, yes, I do remember going to Apple Hill. And in case I forget, I blogged about it, so I can always refresh my memory. And, of course, we made applesauce as you know--blogged about that too. The rest of last weekend is a bit of a blur although I know I worked hard because my back's still hurting along with several other joints and muscles I didn't even know I had, and for a few days, I was walking around like a 85-year-old crippled woman.

I know I spent time finishing the leaf quilt. Here it is in all its glory:

And I spent time decorating the house--I think that's what really killed my back, muscles, and joints. In fact, now that I think about it, I made a stop at Michael's on the way home from work last Friday night, and then I decorated Friday night and Sunday night, I think. While I was in Michael's, I saw an arrangement I really liked, so I bought what I needed to come close to their version. Here's mine:

Before I go, I'll leave you with a bunch of photos of the fruits of my decorating endeavors--and it appears those fruits are mostly pumpkins. Oh, yeah, and first of all, let me show you the HUGE pumpkin my husband picked out when we were up at Apple Hill. I was watching the scale when they weighed it and I know it was over 23 pounds--because I saw "23" and thought for a minute it was $23. No, I have no idea how much it actually cost because the receipt had all sorts of amounts identified as "produce," so I don't know which was the monster pumpkin. My husband loves to carve pumpkins for Halloween--when he does this one, I'll make sure to share the "after" photo.

Behave yourselves while I'm gone! I'll try to catch up with everyone on Sunday.


  1. I love the fall decorations-- the pumpkins are gorgeous...

  2. Your fall decorations are wonderful!!!!

  3. Marvelous decorations! I love fall so much. I have almost as many decorations for fall as I do for Christmas. Looks like they are destined to stay in the attic this year as my shoulder is in no shape to move all that stuff around. So I'll just have to enjoy everyone else's decorations. Thanks so much for all the wonderful pictures. That is some pumpkin!

    Have a wonderful mini-vacation.

  4. Have a wonderful trip.....the decorations are oh so wonderful! I'll try and keep Sharon and Darlene in line while you're gone. :) That is if I can find Darlene.

  5. Take care of your back - nuthin worse than vacationing on a bad back.
    Enjoy Ft. Bragg - it's awesome!

  6. I am totally and completely enamored with your leaf quilt!!! It is GORGEOUS!! as is your applesauce! I love Autumn! I wish it lasted 6 more months!

  7. OMG you have been a busy gal. I love all your decorating!! Love that black hutch with all the decor on it. I need that!! It would go great in my house. That huge pumpkin is so cool. Glad you like all your winning patterns too. Have fun on your mini trip and we'll have lots for you to read when you get back.

  8. Fabulous decorations! I'm a pumpkin nut! Awesome!

    Have fun. Don't worry about us while you're gone. We'll be fine. (whine whine whine)

  9. How lovely -- everything looks great and now you're all ready for fall! I've done one punch needle and I loved it -- it's fast. My problem is figuring out what to do with them -- don't really need more framed stuff hanging on the walls!

  10. Wow, when are you coming over to decorate my home? Love your stuff! What do you mean you don't/didn't have time to open the mail? Gosh, that's a top priority on my list. I love getting mail! You did get some sweet stuff. I thought she didn't like you cause you were always giving her a hard time!?! LOL I need to be on Sharon's friend list! Does it mean that I have to razzz her also? lol Nice quilt! Your leaf quilt turned out sweet! Thanks for sharing. I

  11. I love all of your decorations but that leaf quilt is just gorgeous, well worth the ferret thing,
    (Short aside here, my Grandfather always had them and one day I was driving along in the middle of nowhere and one ran across the road in front of me so I hopped out and chased it down, held it in one hand (by the back of the neck 'cos they are mental, take-your-finger-off biters) and took it to his house, proudest he ever was of me!)
    Back on track, good job again, the colours are completely different to most i have seen-it's been on my list for a while, pleased your holiday was good, tracey


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