Tuesday, September 11, 2007


(Click to enlarge if difficult to see--the painted block is a remembrance of 9/11/01)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hard not to forget! I pray we never forget! A sad day in history! a DAY WE SHALL ALWAYS REMEMBER THE MEN AND WOMEN WE LOST!

  3. Don't feel bad Yvonne. At first I thought it was the quilt block too, although I'm very much aware what day this is.

    My next grandbaby will be here any minute... they say it will be one day this week... (I've been so hoping it won't be today.) His daddy is in Iraq.

  4. What a dope.....of course I do. It is never far from my thoughts. Will keep him in my prayers and your new grandbaby.

  5. Kim nice website! Love the painted quilt block! Perfect rememberence of 9-11! Your awesome!

  6. This is a very nice rememberence, is it a tray or? Did you paint it?
    We will never forget.

  7. Kim, that's great. Did you paint it? I hope no one ever forgets what happened. I sometimes think several people seem to have though. It was an awful day. Just the worst.

  8. That's very, very nice,Kim. I hope everyone stopped to thank God today for the freedom we have in this country and to remember all that lost their lives on this date.

  9. A perfect rememberance, Thanks, Kim/

  10. I was reading on Yahoo home page something about making Sept 11 a "good deed" day. Given the way society is heading perhaps we need a reminder to be kind! I think for many of is it is etched in our minds, to be never forgotten!


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