Sunday, September 9, 2007

Hometown Christmas, Section 2

No toenail clipping photos today, because I have more of the Hometown Christmas project to share with you. Thank you all for the compliments on the first section! So far, I really like the way this is coming along. You're more than welcome to adopt any changes I make to mine, and if any of my instructions are unclear, please e-mail me and I will attempt to explain a little more.

Section 2 comprises much of the center panel of the top row--a wreath and a tree, which are combined with the hourglass and pinwheel blocks from Section 1. Of course, I've changed mine. I decided to switch the positions of the tree with the additional filler pinwheel blocks that are positioned next to the house in the last section of this row. Here's what the original looks like:

I think the tree will look more "natural" next to the house block, and I've made more twist candy and peppermint candy blocks to balance the other side of the wreath. For the wreath itself, I've substituted another Thimbleberries pattern called Countryside Wreaths (sorry the photo below is so dark!). Using this pattern was my friend Patty's idea waaaay back when the Hometown Christmas quilt first came out, so I can't take credit!

The pattern I have is a very old one, but Thimbleberries came out with a new pattern a year or two ago that is probably still available if you want to make this change--you will need to adjust the size of the block, however. Because the original Hometown Christmas wreath block measured 12-1/2" (unfinished edges), it was necessary for me to half-size the Countryside Wreath block (which made it 11-1/2", unfinished) and then add in another 1/2" to the outside blocks all the way around. Of course, you can do the same thing by just adding a 1" sashing all the way around the half-sized block. In the wreath I made, each of the little squares measures 1" (finished edges; 1-1/2" cut size). I also added a third background fabric and used that in the wreath block--the rest of the fabrics in that block are just scraps from my Thimbleberries stash.

Oops! I've made a real mess in the Sweat Shop! Time to go clean it all up. Then it just might be time for a nap. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  1. Oh yeah....way better than toenail clippings.
    They just keep getting more awesome. I really love what you are doing!
    You call that a I'm never letting you see my sewing room. :)

  2. Good Job Kim! I think I'll just live vicariously though your blog and not bother making a mess of my


  3. you are a very busy gal! Lookin great!!

  4. love the wreath and the candies.I incorporated The large Candy Coated Christmas motifs, you know, the squares with bells, santa, etc, in them, in the holly block in the second book. I just don't care for that holly!Hugs, Cathy who has a broken camera

  5. Man, you're plowing right along on this project!! Looking good, Kim! Kudos!

  6. Wowzer - way to go! It's looking TEEEE-RIFIC!

  7. Beautiful!! This is going to be gorgeous!!

  8. Oh it just looks wonderful! Love your changes

  9. Now you just need to slow down!!!! And I guess I was the only one hoping for toenail clipping photos. LOL

  10. Looking good! I made that wreath using Christmas Batiks. I thought it was neat to take something country and give it a more modern spin. It turned out nice too! Thanks for sharing!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!