Monday, September 17, 2007

Everyone Went on Vacation and Left Me Home Alone!

A Thimbleberries Table!

Well, not exactly, but it feels like it! Thank goodness for all you bloggers keeping me company.

I've mentioned before that I'm a member of an online Thimbleberries group, and Main Street Cotton Shop's yearly retreat began today. If you're a Thimbleberries fan, going to MSCS's retreat is a little like making an annual pilgrimage. I attended the retreat two years ago and had a blast! I know we talk about our "imaginary friends," but I actually got to meet many of our group members at that retreat, and I felt as though I had known them forever--they were all just what I thought they would be like.

MSCS is located downstairs from Lynette Jensen's Thimbleberries studio, and Lynette and some of her other designers, like Jean Lepper, teach the various classes. There are several "events" as well. This year they have a Mr. Halloween's Party (named after the Halloween fabric line) and all the attendees had to make aprons to wear. The year I attended, we were able to tour Lynette's house and studio one evening, and on another night, there was a harvest fair with lots of games and prizes. We also attended show-and-tell and got to see some of the upcoming Thimbleberries quilts and projects.

Our online group is awfully quiet right now since a number of the members have made the trek to Hutchinson, Minnesota, for this year's retreat. I'm particularly envious of Patty and Kristie, who arrived on Friday and have spent the last couple days visiting as many quilt shops as they could in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and any other neighboring states they could get to. Kristie, I think, is posting her experiences on her blog; at least I know she had a post there about her arrival in Minnesota.

Patty e-mailed our group and said her favorite shop so far was Primitive Gatherings in Menasha, Wisconsin. The owner of the shop, Lisa Bongean, is a quilt designer. If you read "Screen Door's" blog, then you'll be familiar with at least one of Bongean's patterns, Primitive Garden. Patty said that Bongean has bleached blonde hair with purple streaks--which really struck me as funny given her primitive/traditional leanings in her designs. Good for her, though! I think we need to break that stereotypical image of a quilter, don't you? Maybe I'll add purple streaks to my hair on my next Day of Beauty. I'm sure I can't look any worse!

Oh, and speaking of Thimbleberries, some of you commented on the fabrics and colors in the leaf quilt I'm working on--those are all Thimbleberries fabrics that I've collected over the years. I used some of my larger scrap pieces to make the blocks. My husband is a big fan of purple, but my decorating doesn't really lend itself to purple quilts, so this is a bit of a compromise with him in mind--there's purple there, but it's mixed in with other colors that DO belong in my home.

I have about half the leaf quilt quilted and ran out of my first spool of thread so I've ordered more--I'm not sure the remaining spool I have is enough to finish it. I think having it quilted by this weekend is "doable," assuming more thread arrives in time. Oh, and that's assuming my shoulders and arms don't give out--a very real possibility! Thank you all for visiting and leaving comments for me--I don't feel quite so lonely with so many other friends at the retreat, since I know you're there!


  1. Hi I'm here to keep you company. And might I say I love your table and the decorations you have whipped up. BEAUTIFUL!!! I would love to go to Lynette's houses OMG I bet it is great. I love fall and I know she does too. Did you take pictures???

  2. Hey Kim! We miss you here this year. But, since you couldn't make it, I won the little hand-quilted table runner "Snow Gang" in your honor..LOL!

    The table in the main room, where Lynette teaches and the trunk show just was has the table decorated just like the photo on your blog.

    I'll be making the trek to find a place to UPS home a box. Bet you can't guess why???

    "See you" in 2 days!


  3. Awww poor Kim, left at home, not to worry we'll keep you company and out of mischief......maybe... Love the quilt you have on the table, gorgeous colours.

  4. I know how you feel when all your best buds are out retreating and you're left to keep the home fires burning! But we're here!!!!!

    I admire you all who can put purple in your quilts. Purple just makes them sing. But I can't do it. I hate sewing on purple fabric! Sick, I know!

    Holler if you get lonely! Or maybe we could all put on our thigh-highs and party? Naw .... don't think I could get them over these thunder thighs!

  5. Hey,I was wondering how you get your name on the "friends" section to the right?? Are those on the list the "friends" who left you behind??? Just asking. LOL!!!!

  6. Ahh.Kim I'm here and lonely too. Fess up to where ou got that picture.

    I think that Kim on the sideboard is the other kim we have in the Hollow. She is doing the Hometown I think. Also in Hutch.

  7. Guess you're just stuck with us! teehee!

  8. Your table setting is delightful! did you quilt that one too? The retreat sounds fabulous, nice that you were able to attend, but now you know what you're missing!!

  9. Geez, I guess you're stuck with us! I ordered their catalogue this morning. It's the next best thing to being there!

  10. Hello! Yes, Primitive Gatherings is about the absolute best shop in Wisconsin, maybe the midwest in my opinion. Lisa is extremely talented as a designer and her store was featured in a quilting magazine. I saw her last month, but she didn't have purple hair then! I have easily spent $1500 there in the last year. That shop is fabulous if you like primitive. Worth the trip to Menasha. CM


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!