Saturday, August 18, 2007

Saturday "Stuff"

I've kicked my husband out. For awhile, at least. I told him I was going to clean house and suggested he might like to go watch some soccer and get the heck out of my way--the girl's competitive team my son coaches has a couple of games today, and this was something my husband had mentioned doing. As he left, he said, "Okay, I'm going, and the house better be spotless when I get home." No, he wasn't really serious, but here I sit, catching up on my blog reading, being perverse about doing what I've been told to do!

To be fair, I have done a little more than read blogs. I took a bath and shaved my legs. Sometimes shaving seems like a big deal because I hate being bothered. I think I need to make myself a task list so I can check at least one thing off--shaving.

Can you tell I'm not real motivated today? It's 11 a.m. and I haven't even had breakfast yet--just a cup of coffee. Time to get busy, I think. I still have about a third of the blogs I read left to go, but I'll have to come back later to finish up. (Memo to self: Add "read blogs" to the "to do" list. That's something I should be able to get accomplished!)

Once I get my chores done, I have some "charming" little bundles of fabric goodness to play with in the Sweat Shop:

Scaredy Cat from Moda. I love the colors in this line, especially the blue. Since I have blue in my kitchen, I think that whatever I make will be intended for that room. I love Halloween--I think I've mentioned that before. In fact, I just love fall when our temps drop below 90 during the day.

So now I think I need to add "sewing" to my "to do" list. "To do" lists can be very self-affirming. I find if I make a big list of fun things and only a few not-so-fun things, at the end of the day, I feel like I've accomplished a lot--even if the stuff I've crossed off wasn't the stuff I was supposed to do to begin with!


  1. It is a rainy blah day here and loads of house work to do...problem, no motivation! I think I will sew.

  2. Ooooo - love that fabric! I just can't justify buying more halloween fabric - I've not used what I already have!

    You need to do what I did finally - and wish I'd done it way sooner. Have someone clean the house for you. Someone comes here twice a month, and it's worth every penny. You work - and you are worth it! Then you can do whatever you want on the weekends - like I am!

  3. My favorite part of making lists is making the checkmarks. Sometimes I just add things to the list so I can check them husband thinks I'm certifiable.
    Love that Halloween fabric. I got a jelly roll and can't wait to get sewing.

  4. that fabric is pretty cute.
    if you come to WI for a visit - it's currently below 90°- you can check out my youngest daughters Halloween quilt, it's her favorite holiday too, and she would DIE for your halloween fabrics. Well, maybe not die, but I bet she would give up texting for a few days!

  5. So how much have you gotten checked off that list now? Be honest.

    I just forget what i'm suppose to do and do what I want. LOL

  6. Just love the Scardy Cat fabrics. The colors are wonderful, and Halloween is my favorite holiday.

  7. the fabric is great!!!! I'm not a big novelty fabric person but I may have to make an exception :)

    Thursday I dropped a small fortune in Trader Joes to come home put away and do the "regular" shopping on top of it- I was so tired and broke- explain again why I "have" to feed these teens on summer vacation??? LOL

  8. All I can say is thank goodness you shaved those legs. Now let the day begin!!!!
    LOL!!! I was laughing how you said that your hubby left so you could clean and there you sit reading blogs!! Is that not true?? I can not stay off this dang thing.

  9. I made a list with one thing on it today, "Nap!" Check!

    Love that Scaredy Cat. I bought so much Halloween fabric this year - just need to figure out what to do with it now! No? I don't need to? Okay! Like Jane says, sometimes it's enough to just have it! (She enables me!)

  10. I think you've found the secret. Mixing a bunch of fun things in your list with some not so fun things. I'm going to try that myself.

  11. Oh.... I love that fabric! Halloween is one of my favourite holiday! Did I mention that I'm getting a witch on a broom weather vane for the cupola? It's a beauty. Will have to check that fabric out! I'm far behind in blog reading myself. Doing a bit of catching up as I work with my embroidery software. You, do not help the situation Ms. blah blah. Take a break from writing and quilt will ya! lol Just teasing! Hope you're having a great weekend! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Cute charms...and I liked how they ended up!
    I have "to do" lists but it often scares me at the end of the day when I find myself adding all the things I actually did because it looks better than nothing crossed off! Tracey

  13. Oh my do I love that fabric -- you temptress you! I. Do. Not. Need. Another. Project. Sorry, my new mantra -- I'm trying to preserve my sanity and my checkbook!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!