Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bloggy "Friends"

Did you get the bulletin? Did you know that yesterday was a very special day in Blogland? Unfortunately, I didn't get the news that it was "Pick on Kim Day" until it was nearly over.

Just in case you missed out on the festivities, check out Marcie's blog. Marcie has become--or at least I THOUGHT she had become--one of my good Blogland friends. If you don't already read her blog, I recommend it. She's also an awesome quilt designer, and her dad, the "Arizona Penguin," has his own blog that's worth reading for all his memories of the "good old days." You can click on the link to his blog from hers. But apparently Marcie thinks I'm wound a little too tight. Me? Sheesh, Marcie! But I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt and assuming that by saying I'm wound too tight, what she's really trying to say is that I'm not a loose woman, despite some of the stuff I've told you all about my background. Marcie, on the other hand, . . . . Well, I'll tell you about her later.

Then there's Sharon. Another so-called "friend." Under her photos of that meal that I call "Heart Attack in the Making," she casts aspersions on my cooking. Can you believe that? She's just jealous, I'm sure. She KNOWS my husband's going to live a long, healthy life with the food I'm feeding him. Unless, of course, he catches himself on fire microwaving popcorn first. "Frozen discs," Sharon? And where did your chipped beef come from? 'Cause I'm pretty sure you weren't out butchering a cow and curing the meat, were you? Yes, she probably DID grow those green tomatoes. But you know what? I bet she figured she'd best pick them early before she killed them off by forgetting to water them!

And Darlene! Well, never mind Darlene. She didn't actually post anything to her blog at all, although I know she's back from her weekend getaway. I just know she was THINKING about picking on me, because she usually is.

And speaking of Darlene, I think it all started when, very early on the morning of August 20th, "Automaton" left a comment on my Sunday blog. Who is Automaton? Has he/she visited you? I know Automaton left a comment on Sharon's blog the day before, and I suspected it was really Darlene in disguise! ROFLOL!

Did I miss anyone? Was I the butt of your jokes yesterday and perhaps missed reading your blog? If so, please let me know! After all, I DO want to give credit where credit's due . . . .

By the way, did I mention that "Pick on Kim Day" is an annual event? Just so you know, if you didn't pick on me yesterday, you're going to have to wait now until NEXT August 20th!

ADDENDUM: Oops! Am I going to be stripped of the "Nice Matters" award now?! LOL! And "Automaton" is back! I have a robot fan!


  1. So sorry to read that Ms Kim is being picked on. When Automaton is wound too thightly, Automaton thinks in rigid ways and has difficulties moving witht he flow. When Automaton is wound loosly, Automaton moves with the flow. Perhaps Ms Marcie thinks Kim is too rigid and needs to loosen up and go with the flow! Automaton hopes Ms. Kim has a good day today! Have a nice day!

  2. Wow....do you mean we really have to wait a whole year....like 364 more days???????

  3. So why didn't I get the memo? No one told me that I was supposed to pick on you! I'll see what I can think of today.

  4. Poor Kim !!!!!

    Just watch her post tomorrow.

  5. Just to set the record straight, I would never pick on someone who couldn't take it, or on someone I didn't like. What fun would that be? But if you think I am going to wait a whole year before I strike again, well, I think not! But I will let Kairle go next. :))

  6. Hey Kim, how come I didn't get the bulletin about "pick on Kim day". Gezzz, I feel left out! Some friend you turned out to be!

  7. You know, when it is a "big" celebration, people tend to celebrate for days and days, sometimes even weeks. So the case of "pick on Kim day", could last a while...

  8. I've never picked on you Kim, I have no idea what you're talking about! I mean my goodness I can't believe you would accuse me of picking on you - I'm stunned. No, really I'm very stunned. Oh wait, it's coming back to me - Oh THAT Kim - here's what I think of her


    Miss me??????

  9. Kim, please dont be jealous of my super duper fantastic meal I prepared for my hubby. By the way,my hubby know how to pop popcorn in the microwave.There is a button that says POPCORN!!! You PUSH IT!!!!!
    I dont know about the wound too tight statement that Marcie made, cause I think you are INDEED a loose woman. What with those thigh high boots and all. And by the way.......who is this automaton person anyway??? And the tomatoes...I did not grow them. LOL Are you kidding? Me???

  10. No, I didn't and wouldn't dare pick on you Kim! I was in awe of the boot story especially!
    Certainly not for your cooking...you know half the state of Victoria lives on your apple related food now!!! lol Tracey

  11. I didn't pick on you -- but I'm sure I could if you really want me to :0). Poor Kim -- but hey, if they're picking on you they must like you. Or is that only for little boys who like girls?

  12. Pick on Kim Day? Absolutely! Because you're so .... you're so .... well, you're so "pickable"!

    But now that we know there's a special day just for you, watch out next year!!!!! Hee-hee, I can't wait!!!!!!

  13. Kim, I think it's wonderful that you have one day a year that you get picked on! I didn't hear about it, and even if I had, I don't know you well enough to do said picking on, so I would have refrained.
    I know they all pick on you becuz they like you so very much! It's no fun to tease someone you don't like!
    I'm marking my calendar for next year......I hope to know you much better by then!! LOL!


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