Monday, July 9, 2007

Monster Quilt Progress

I thought I'd keep today's post reasonably short for two reasons: (1) the last one was so long, you're probably STILL reading it, and (2) I spent a good part of the time I would normally have spent quilting and posting on the phone with my brother, telling him all about our adventures in Oroville with my weird mom on Saturday. Just a taste of what he has to look forward to at the end of the month when he goes up there and helps her move. If I tell you he's thrilled, you'll know I'm a big, fat liar, right?!

And thank you for your kind, supportive comments. They're much appreciated! We can't control what other people do, and my brother and I decided a long, long time ago to try our best not to let my mom's words and actions bother us any more than necessary. Really, they're kind of the subject of dark humor, and I think that's our way of coping. I don't know if you read my post quite awhile back about a registry of people who shouldn't be given quilts, but I made one for my mom and mailed it to her as a late Christmas gift and she never acknowledged it. When my parents were in the accident and I was up there a lot, I learned my mom had just folded it up and stored it in a box in the closet. My brother and I were joking tonight that maybe it's a good thing after all since it wasn't sold along with everything else in the house!

Anyway, buried somewhere in yesterday's post, I mentioned getting a few photos of the progress of the monster quilt. First I'll post the one you've no doubt seen already of the unquilted top, just for reference so you don't have to click over to somewhere else to figure out what I'm talking about:

Now this is where I'm at--see those sections in the top with the flying geese, stars, and sky? The first photo shows a bit of that section. The second photo shows the same section but catches some of one of the corner trees.

I'm just working on the first side--three more to go after I finish this one. These sections I'm quilting now stop where I've outlined the blue pieces--they look like a string of blue beads to me, so let's call them that. I'll need to go back and quilt the "sky" section on the outside of those beads and quilt something in the centers of the beads as well. All of the grass and fence sections are done as are the four corner trees. So, I'm getting there--slowly but surely!

By the way, my online group is called Quilters' Hollow, and I think that's what I'm going to name this monster quilt--or maybe Quilters' Hollow Retreat. Since the outside star blocks and all the smaller house blocks were the result of swaps the group participated in, it seems like a good name for it.

The other thing I wanted to mention that has absolutely nothing to do with this quilt is that I've read some blogs where people have mentioned having a hard time adding a title--Blogger's not letting them click into the title field. I've finally figured out that if you click where it actually says "Title," it seems to take you to that field. Hope this helps!

Now I'm going to go into the Sweat Shop and quilt a little bit more--even if I don't have a lot of time tonight, I'll be that much further along tomorrow!


  1. WOW Kim it is wonderful and your quilting is spectacular.

  2. Your quilt is coming along beautifully. I like the name. I was kinda upset with my mom as I made her a quilt (and dad one too) several years ago. She went out and bought a glass enclosed quilt rack, folded both quilts and put them on display. Once in a while my dad is allowed to pull his out and use it for an hour or so. Otherwise they sit there untouched. I pictured them all covered up under their beautiful quilts while I made them (mom's is hand applique/hand quilted) It was a little disheartening to know they never get used, but I do feel better now after hearing about what your mom did. I am so sorry!

  3. Kim the quilt is going to be beautiful. You are so talented. Don't know how you do it without a frame. I would just get frustrated.

    So glad you got your pictures and the beautiful little sewing cabinet. What has happened to your Mom has happened in mt family also. My DGM sold two corner cabinets full of cut glass to a lady who said I will give you $100 fo all of it. DGM thinking she needed money said okay. Never consulting any one else. Funny at the wake the lady said to my Mom, I feel sorry that you didn't get any of the glass would you like a piece for your china cabinet. Needless to say my DD jumped in and it wasn't nice. Remind your Mom it isn't a done deal until the money exchanges hands. Maybe she will think about what she is doing. If not I sure hope she is happy with her friend.

  4. Wa-wa We-wa!!! That's some awesome quilting! You're shoving that whole thing thru your home machine, not a LA? I'm so WAY impressed!!

  5. Yes, Kim the quilting looks great. Good pictures. I completely forgot about all those blocks on the outside border. WOW what a job.


  6. thanks for the tip on getting Blog titles to work!

    I have a reverse quilt story -- my mom made a beutiful quilt for her bed, and after she died my dad and his second wife continued to use it for a few years. But when my dad died and my sister really wanted that quilt, my stepmother insisted she knew nothing about it, had never seen it, didn't know what might have happened to it... grrrr. she did plenty of other rude things, but that one lingers!

  7. Wow, you've done so much! Great quilting:)

  8. I like the monstor quilt!
    And I have to tell you, those of us with "those" kind of mothers are a special lot! My brother and I have learned to laugh too, what else can you do?

  9. Kim, that quilt is gigantic for sure. How in the world are you quilting that with your home machine?? Your nuts girlfriend. LOL Tht is a beautiful quilt though and your doing a good job quilting. It's too hot to be quilting such a monster though. Save it for winter. It's coming you know. :-)

  10. Your quilt is amazing, but I expected that it would be. Keep at it, girl!

  11. Truly beautiful quilting, Kim!

  12. That beast is looking good! A little bit at a time and the next thing you know it will be all done. Keep well!

  13. Your quilt is awesome. It is a keepsake for sure. Knowing you, you will have it finished before long. Have another margarita. LOL



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