Friday, June 8, 2007

Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

What's your outlook on life? Do you look at the future in an optimistic, hopeful way? Or do you think the best times of your life have already passed you by? Do you expect the best? Or do you hope for the best, but prepare yourself for the worst?

Is the glass half empty, or is the glass half full? This is a question I posed to my friend Kairle the other day, although maybe not quite in the same way. She got me thinking along these lines though.

In my life, when things aren't necessarily going well, I try to look ahead, past whatever unhappy or unpleasant things are taking place, because I know eventually, things will turn around. I try to see the good in people. And, perhaps most importantly, I try to see the humor in the little things, because it makes the big things easier to handle.

So, do you see the glass as being half empty, or do you see the glass as being half full?

I've devised a little quilt-related personality test, if you will, to reveal your outlook on life. Study carefully the fabric below and then answer the question that follows.

Okay, here it is:


Life--it's all a matter of perspective, mixed with a little humor!

NOTE: Take a look at these cute purses made from this fabric:

The fabric is called Wranglers by Alexander Henry.


  1. OK, Kim to answer your questions. being that I'm old enough to have already lived a good life. To me those cowboys are half dressed. Making purses out of that fabric is nuts. But this younger generation will love it.

    I think my cup is half full. Never half empty.


  2. You already know that my answer is the same as Eileen's. And you already know that I know where your mind is! lol!

    I definitely try to be the glass half full type of girl. ;-)

  3. Well, they may be half dressed, but to me they scream, Brokeback Mountain! Sorry, but those cowboys are just too too gay. However, my gay brother is going to love them in the quilt I am making him for Christmas this year, along with the matching construction worker fabric (also so so gay). So I guess I am half full!

  4. Actually, you gave me something to think about today. Things change. And that is good.

  5. Well, they're not half dressed or half naked - they are just too perfect. Are they breakable?

  6. I truly believe that we create our own reality by what we expect and believe will happen. I'm so careful what I think and say because whether it's positive or negative I believe it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. It's so easy to be dragged down by someone who sees the glass as half empty - I know, because I certainly can be. So I try to surround myself with positive people who see the glass as half full. It works!

    As far as your question goes - I guess it depends on which way you want him to go - take off the rest of his clothes or put on more. These days my answer is just opposite of what it would have been when I was younger LOL!

  7. Well, seeing as how I'm older than the universe and no one cares a hoot what I say any more anyway -- I think they have to many dang clothes on! There, I said it! Hey, even old ladies can look, can't they? :)

  8. Hum... actually, they're exposed just the way I like them! lol I like leaving some things to the imagination. It keeps the mystery in life! Love the fabric! Wouldn't know what to do with it except use it as a backing! Then again, it wouldn't be too bad now would it!

  9. Oh, oh, oh, I don't visit for a few days and then all your posts are so juicy i don't know where to start-but funnily enough it is at the cowboys! They are so darn cute-you will never believe that I have fabric here to make you a cowboy purse, but oh what a dreary cowboy fabric it is now, in comparison. So that idea has gone out the window.
    Have you actually bought DH those Chaps yet? Do you actually own that material or just found the pic because i really want a piece!
    Now, onto the Moda jelly rolls-I have one from the sanctuary range and associated yardage and 2 packs of charm squares but haven'y cit into them yet, I just like touching. I love the Charm Moda tines and will definitely have to start searchinh for the jelly roll one, will be "post tricky" though think.
    On the last post, I am definitely a glass half full girl, tomorrow is always another day, as scarlett pretty nuch put it, whenever I find I'm not looking at life that way I know it is time for more sleep, walks, vitamins and a few treats and everything straightens back out! Cheers, tracey
    ps I didn't see brokeback so i think gorgeous and perfect rather than gay!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!