Tuesday, April 10, 2007

CHOCOLATE! It's Not Just for Breakfast Anymore!

Did you hear the news? Surely you must have! Just look around--today millions of women have a smile on their face and a new spring in their step. But just in case you haven't heard yet, yesterday the news came out that research published by the American Medical Association confirmed something we probably already knew deep within our souls: Cocoa reduces blood pressure. Here's what part of the study said:

"The drop in blood pressure among participants who consumed cocoa products for at least two weeks was in the same range as achieved by someone taking drugs commonly prescribed to control high blood pressure. The fall in blood pressure credited to cocoa could be expected to reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks by 10-20 percent." Wow!

There was also news yesterday of a study that linked high blood pressure to hot flashes. Ah ha! Finally! Justification for that box of See's candies I have hidden in the drawer by my bed! And the dark chocolate M&Ms hidden in my desk drawer at work! It's MEDICINAL!

So go ahead. Eat that chocolate Easter bunny. And those chocolate Easter eggs. Take your kids' and grandkids' chocolate candy--you NEED it more than they do! Really!

And just for a little eye candy, as opposed to the kind you can EAT (after all, this is supposed to be a QUILTING blog!), here's a little decorated dish towel I made last night. I still feel a yearning for all things spring, but I know summer will be here soon, so I compromised with cherries. Which reminds me, I think maybe I need to put some chocolate covered cherries on my grocery list! Have a wonderful chocolate-filled quilty day!

1 comment:

  1. YAAAAAAYYYY! From one chocolate lover to another, I'm lovin' it.



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