Sunday, March 25, 2007

Spring is in the Air!

But not for long--I've heard we're getting some cold weather in the next day or so. Well, cold is relative--I'm sure other parts of the US would probably just laugh at what we Californians consider cold! My daughter, who lives in Lake Tahoe, is happy though--she has big plans for some snowboarding later in the week. She's just managed to do her first jumps the other day and wants another chance or two before the snow's gone.

Nevertheless, it was a beautiful day here, and while my husband worked outside in the yard, I spruced up the kitchen for spring. This is a pretty poor photo of the hutch in my kitchen, but I wanted to get a picture--turned out with too much glare from the flash and the light behind me. Martha Stewart probably takes much nicer photos, I'm sure!

This photo is of another little section of my kitchen. I'm not sure you can see it very well, but I managed to get another egg wrapped and stuck on a candlestick. I don't know what I'll do with the next one, because I only have two of those candlesticks! LOL!

The wallhanging you see above is one I made a few years ago. It started out with an idea from Thimbleberries Club and jars of preserves and another idea I had about making a window. I used white eyelet for the curtain and cut a couple of old ladies handkerchiefs for the shelf with the preserves. The flowers above the window are also three dimensional. Kind of a fun project. You can also just barely see two of my bunnies on top of the toaster oven. I wonder how long it will take the cats to discover them and carry them off?!
Finally, I finished all of the straight, stitch-in-the-ditch type quilting on my current quilt project and am looking forward to playing around with some free motion designs this week. I'd sure like to get this one done soon--it's really a springtime quilt for my bed, which is currently devoid of a quilt and looking pretty sad and boring. And speaking of sad and boring, the weekend's over and tomorrow's a work day. Have a good one!


  1. What a cute table top and wallhanging! The Spring decorations look good. They certainly make me feel springy! lol Everything looks so immaculate. With my dd and dh being space cadets, I could never have that look in my house. It would take too much time from quilting ;o)! Looking forward to seeing pics of your "springtime quilt"! Keep well and Happy Quilting!

  2. Looks cute as always, Kim. It's always fun to see what you pull out for the different seasons and holidays!


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