Sunday, February 1, 2015

Happy Superbowl Sunday!

I see it's been a few months since I posted.  A friend recently mentioned my blog and so I thought I should check in to see where I'd left off.  Yes, there have been more changes in my life - because that's how life is, right?

In December I quit CrossFit because there were only two of us left in our class group and the trainer seemed less interested in training us.  I really enjoyed CrossFit, but at that point, I decided maybe I could better use that money doing something different.  So in late December, I came across Kaia Fit--kind of like a CrossFit or boot camp exercise program for women but with a diet and nutrition component and a lot of support via several Facebook groups both public and private.  The first session, a six-week session beginning on the first Monday in January, was called BRIK and we were to work out on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings, with a flow/yoga session on Friday evenings, and an hour long walk/run at the crack of dawn (7 a.m.) on Saturdays.  The second or third evening of the program, I strained my Achilles tendon doing sprints as part of a beginning physical assessment, and I've been wearing a walking boot ever since.  ARGH!  Needless to say, I haven't been able to participate in Kaia Fit this session, but I think it's a really good program, so I'd like to try it again one of these days--I just need to remember that I don't have the body of a 25 year old anymore so I need to be a little easier on myself.

The Wild Child is getting ready to move to Portland.  She, baby Roman, and I took a few days to travel there to look into renting a place for her little family, but without jobs in place for her and her significant other, we weren't able to find anything.  But we were able to get more familiar with the city, take a look at possible areas for them, and look into the public transit system.  The plan now is that we will keep the Drooling Dog for them for a few months while they move into some type of residential hotel in the Portland area and look for work.  The Wild Child's ultimate career path will hopefully take her into publishing, but for now, she'll probably keep waitressing and/or bartending, an occupation that put her through college and one where she can work evenings while her significant other works days--or vice versa.  Little Roman, who is not quite so little, is now over three months old and is a sweet little guy.  As you can see here, he's all dressed up and ready for Superbowl Sunday.

In early January, Soccer Son and his Lovely Wife had a baby girl, Mia, so now we are the proud grandparents of two new babies!  We haven't had a chance to get to know Miss Mia very well yet as Hubby had a nasty stomach bug during the first few weeks and we wanted to make sure we weren't going to pass anything on to this precious little girl.  She's a real cutie, though!

On the quilting front, I've mostly been working on a few different small projects, along with the larger Grandma's Kitchen applique quilt I talked about before.  Next weekend is a baby shower for my best friend's daughter, and I'm working on something for her too.  Oh, and I made a baby quilt for little Mia, but I haven't downloaded photos from my camera for awhile--I'll share a photo when I do.

I saw someone posted on Facebook that they had taken down the last of their Christmas decorations--I sure wish I could say the same!  This has been such a busy month, I still have a few things left to pack away.  All of the trees are down and most of the Santas and such, but I've barely touched any of the decorative plates and odds and ends in the kitchen, so that remains to be done, and I have no idea when I'll find time to get to that.

What are you doing for Superbowl Sunday?  I don't have any particular interest in either team, but I'll probably turn the game on while I work on the baby quilt--at least the commercials are usually pretty entertaining!  Whatever you spend the remainder of the weekend doing, I wish you joy!


  1. So happy for your update!! We've ALL been worried. Congratulations on your second grandchild! A healthy boy and a girl -- doesn't get better than that. They are both beautiful, of course. And I'm glad that you and your husband are doing well. Please try to post something at least once a month -- we all miss you! Florence

  2. Glad all is well, good to hear all your news.

  3. So good to read your blog today. I had been concerned about you! Congrats on second grandchild. Hope you stay well so you can spend time with Mia.

  4. Congratulations on your 2 new additions! Wonderful to be a grandma. Glad your back...I missed your daily talk! Janet

  5. Nice to see a post and catch up on your family news! Congratulations on the birth of little Mia...! I hope the achilles heals well so you can get back to your fitness regime. x

  6. Ah so glad to see you back! I am part time in maybe when you are visiting your wild child we can meet for coffee...the quilt stores rock here! The new family additions are adorable!

  7. Congratulations on your growing family! Glad to see everything is good with you, started to worry after not seeing any posts. Enjoy your new grandbabies and have fun with your quilting. (I still have my decorations up too. They never come down until after Super Bowl)

  8. I live in Vancouver WA just a hop skip and a jump from downtown Portland - a great area to relocate to, here's hoping for the best for your daughter and her family - such a brave thing to do, move with no job to move to - would never have considered that in my day. Congrats on your second grand - I only have three grands, but they were all born on the same day (triplets), two girls and a boy - instant complete family!

  9. Welcome back!!!! I've missed your posts. The babies are adorable and being a grandparent is the BEST!

  10. so glad to see that you are still alive and kicking. life does bring lots of changes but i hope another change for you will be a bit of time for blogging. i have missed seeing what you have been working on -- you were a part of my day for so long!

  11. Wow! You have been busy! Congrats on all the good changes, and hope that your husband is doing better!

  12. Great to hear from you. Those grand babies are adorable.

  13. So great to see you around again! The babies are BEAUTIFUL! I hope your injury heals soon!! Keep us posted!

  14. Loved seeing your update. Your grand babies are beautiful!! I can tell how proud you are! And, how frustrating to have found a new workout program and then get hurt right off the bat. Hang in there!!

    Cindy in SC

  15. I just came across your update and was so glad to see it! I had been thinking of you and hoped all was well! Your grandbabies are beautiful! Now I can see why you aren't blogging as much!

  16. missing you. hope all is well.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

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