Sunday, July 13, 2014

Hard to Believe, I Know . . . .

But I FINALLY have a finished quilt project!

Remember Scrap Basket Sunday?  This was my ongoing project over the past year or so.  The pattern is called Pie in the Sky and it's from Kim Diehl's book, Simple Graces.

There were all sorts of stops and starts on this one.  I went along making four blocks a week okay for quite awhile, but then piecing it all together took some time, partly due to the size of the quilt top and partly due to other personal distractions.

And then there was the quilting.  It was hard to decide what color thread to use, but the backing of the quilt is a purple fabric, so I decided on purple thread.  This is a king size quilt that I quilted on a domestic machine, and the weight alone made it very tiring to quilt.  And once I finished quilting the main blocks, I ran out of gas for a couple months until I made up my mind to just jump back in and get it done.  I had to fill in a some open areas in the sashing and block intersections with a quilt pattern, and after looking at what I'd done so far, I ended up quilting a couple of different sized circles in those spaces.

Deciding what to pick for my binding was a no-brainer:  I pulled out my bag of random leftover sashing pieces and pieced quite a few together for a scrappy binding that matches the scrappiness of the rest of the quilt.  I love the finished quilt--it seems like the perfect scrappy, happy combination of colors to dress my bed through the summer months.

Now onto the next project . . . .


  1. I love your quilt Kim! It's absolutely beautiful. I love how it's a good size for a nice drape down the sides of the bed. Very summery too. Happy Birthday!

  2. It's so good to read a blog from you! You're so right about the quilt being a happy combination of colors -- it' beautiful! Hope your husband is doing MUCH better. Maybe a nice little baby quilt would be fun! Florence

  3. I am so impressed you quilted this on your domestic machine! It has been fun watching your progress and welcome back!

  4. Kim, it's stunning! Worth the wait.

  5. Looks great! Good to see you check in, too!

  6. Great Job! It's such a Happy Scrappy Quilt!!! Hoping your husband is settled back in at home and life is progressing toward normal. Last two Houses up next?

  7. oh yeah ... happy, happy, happy!!!

    you get an A+++ ... it makes my shoulders ache just thinking about moving all of that around 'neath a needle...

  8. Such a gorgeous colourful quilt - you should be so proud! Hope your husband is well on the way to recovery - and no doubt you will be building more houses now that big quilt is done!x

  9. Beautiful quilt! Good to hear from you!

  10. egads ... that's a whole lot of gorgeous quilt to quilt on a domestic ... my shoulders ache for you!

  11. Glad to know you are still quilting some even with your hectic schedule and responsibilities. Your quilt is fantastically wonderful. Hope hubby is doing well.

  12. Absolutely wonderful to see the finish! It's just so beautiful, Kim. Warm wishes to you and your husband for his continued recovery.

  13. Well done Kim on getting it finished!! It is gorgeous and so lovely and scrappy!! It is nice to see it finished after watching you sew the blocks all last year!!

  14. Your quilt is beautiful! After seeing you work on this pattern, I searched and found Kim's book on ebay. So far none of the other patterns in the book appeal to me but the Pie in the Sky sure did. I am cutting pieces for it as I cut for other projects! I blame YOU for adding another project to my list! LOL!!

    Diannia in Iowa

  15. Beautiful finish! Love all the colors :)

  16. Nice finish! What a job to quilt that size of a quilt on your machine! I hope things are headed in the right direction with your hubby. Good to hear from you!

  17. That's a beautiful quilt. I still haven't started mine yet. But looking at yours, I think I'll move it up on the list to be the next one I start. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Looks great, Kim! And amazing that you quilted a project this size on your domestic machine. Very impressive!

  19. Congratulations, Kim, on your wonderful finish! It is a happy quilt, indeed!

  20. Congratulations on finishing your quilt! It's gorgeous!! I have the fabrics together to make one, too, I just haven't yet.
    It's so good to see you back at your blog. ��

  21. This is an absolutely beautiful quilt. You've done a way awesome job. Congratulations!

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