Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Which is it?

Here's the scenario:  You walk into a quilt shop and see several quilts hanging on the walls, but one in particular catches your attention.  You simply MUST make that quilt!

Why? What is the most likely, primary reason you're drawn to a particular quilt?  Is it the fabric used?  The pattern design?  Please weigh in by voting in the poll in the sidebar.


  1. I voted but wanted to add it could go either way. Sometimes the fabric chosen echoes something in my stash but I can be attracted by a new fabric too.

  2. You're asking a tough question today. Some patterns just say pick me, pick me. Other times it's fabric.

  3. I'm with Colleen & Deb...sometimes it's the fabric or that perfect shade of blue/green or orange/red or the cute little birdy print that takes your breath away...often times it's the cutest darn little applique snowmen (or bunnies or pumpkins)I've ever seen! Often times it's how the heck did they assemble that to that and what makes that geometric block flow into such beautiful flowing movement?

  4. For me, initially, it's the fabric - I'm drawn to certain colors or combinations of color. Sometimes I will pass right by a pattern that I see in a quilt store/magazine/online (because I can't see past the colors that the designer chose) only to return to it again and again - must be the pattern :) Ultimately, these are the quilts that I end up loving!

  5. Absolutely no doubt in my mind: the color palette! Working in a quilt shop for years, I studied this question. People would buy a pattern and make it in a different color palette and be disappointed. My favorite quilt made in reds and beiges was a total flop (in my mind) when I tried it in blues and whites.

  6. For me, it's definitely the pattern. I almost always like a different color scheme/fabric selection than the one in the display quilt. Over the years I guess I've just learned to notice the pattern first and the rest is secondary.

  7. Colors for me.

  8. It is almost always color that makes me stop and look closely at the pattern.

  9. I didn't vote because sometimes it's the pattern, sometimes the fabric ... pretty much a wash.

  10. I have been doing some catching up on your blog! Nice to see that you have been so busy: making wonderful new things... going places,and seeing things. I feel like I just had a quilt bug injection! Thanks! I needed that!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!