Sunday, March 9, 2014

Girl Day

Saturday was the day of our stitchery group's monthly gathering.  We all congregated at the house of one of our members at around 10 a.m. for breakfast and a little gifting interlude--we always celebrate any birthdays that may fall during the month, give that month's hostess little thank-you remembrances, and gift one another with small kits, notions, or other goodies.

Our hostess made a cold chicken and rice salad for our lunch that was delicious.  It's her specialty dish and we were hoping she would make it for us again--and she did!  Yum!

Most of our group have been working on the Live Simply BOM from Buttermilk Basin this year, and each month I put together a kit for each of us.  Sometimes other members of the group do the same sort of thing with other small projects, and we often end up working on stitching what we're given while we spend the day together, talking and eating.

I finished the blanket stitch applique before evening came along and we all went our separate ways.  I then spent Saturday evening in the Sweat Shop quilting and binding it and adding the buttons.  I still need to add a little "hanging sleeve" to the back--I use pre-made bias tape and stitch it down top and bottom, and it works quite well for the small hanging stands--I'll take a photo once I have it ready to display.

All in all, it was a lovely day spent with a wonderful group of friends.

Do you have something scrappy to share with us for Scrap Basket Sunday? Here's Mister Linky--please sign up if you have a scrap project on your blog that we can see and be inspired by!


  1. I got to spend all day yesterday sewing with friends. Even with all the gabbing, I still finished up a number of projects.

  2. I did the coffee bag with scraps for the flying geese. I just posted it a few days ago. Love these linky parties, I have tons of scraps!

  3. Sounds like my kind of girl day - what fun!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!