Monday, March 17, 2014

Country Homecoming, Second Reveal, Part 2

I tracked down my old camera and took photos of my two house blocks for March.  I have to say, though, that the image quality isn't very good.  I have a little red icon on the camera screen that I think isn't a good thing, but I don't recall what it means or how to fix it!  It's a good thing my new camera is supposed to arrive tomorrow!

So here are my Country Homecoming blocks:

They look a bit posh, don't they?  I wouldn't mind living in either one.  But I think any nice neighborhood's CC&Rs probably would prohibit plaid doors, don't you think?

I hope you had a lovely St. Patrick's Day.  We had a contest at work for the best outfits--there were three categories with a prize for each and I won one of them:  a $25 Macy's gift card for most impressive.  Maybe it was the corned beef sliders I passed out first thing in the morning.  I'd like to show you some of the outfits, but unfortunately those photos are also a bit blurry--worse than the house blocks, actually.  Ah, well, it was a fun day anyway!


  1. Ta Da! Look at Miss Fussy Cutter Go! CC&Rs are highly overrated! I'd love to see one with plaid doors, awnings & window boxes!

  2. Love your houses with the window mullions (?)!! Wish we knew what you wore yesterday - details??

  3. Congrats on winning $25 for your costume. Although you didn't share a photo of your outfit, I'm sure the sliders you provided didn't hurt your chances. (grin)

  4. I do love these house blocks! They are really fun and the colors are great. Glad you explained about the camera, for a second there I though my glasses needed a good cleaning. LOL

  5. Ah, very nice house blocks. The windows give a warm inviting feel from color you used.

  6. I love your plaid doors and shutters. If I were on the neighborhood board, I'd pass them with flying colors. LOL


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