Saturday, March 15, 2014

Country Homecoming, the Second Reveal, Part 1

It's time to check in with our Country Homecoming group and see how everyone did with the second month's blocks.  First I'll share with you the photos sent to me by quilters without blogs.

These first two are by Imelda--love them, especially the striped house on the right:

Julie is new to our group.  She's one of my stitchery friends, and she surprised me at our last get together by bringing with her four house blocks and asking if she could join us.  Julie has altered the pattern a little so she could piece in the doors and windows instead of using applique.  Here are her first two blocks:

And the next two blocks:

These are Sheryn's houses:

Sheryn mentioned her houses this month look like Halloween and Christmas, but I don't know if she did that intentionally or if it just turned out that way.  I love her window sills and, in fact, I had to steal the idea from her.

Tina's houses are next--I love her staggered windows--I think there's a stairway from the first floor to the second just on the other side:

And Tina's second house:

Finally, I have Janet's two houses, which are bright and colorful--I love that she's taken this pattern and done it in her own colors.

Now, I'll give you links to a couple of bloggers who are part of our group and have made some lovely houses that are posted on their own blogs.  Nancie Anne should be a real estate developer--don't you agree?  Her houses are lovely!  And Tanya has posted her houses for this month--two more beauties!  If you scroll back to Tanya's February 18th blog post, you can check out her first two house blocks, which weren't quite ready at the first reveal.

And now it's confession time:  Speaking of houses that aren't quite ready . . . well, yes, I'm guilty of being a little slow this month. I had my houses pieced last weekend but I just haven't been able to find enough time to get the doors and windows appliqued on yet.  I thought I might finish one tonight, but it's getting late and it's still not completed, so I'm turning out the lights in the Sweat Shop and heading to bed.  I should be able to get them done this weekend and will post them as "part 2" of the reveal as soon as I do.

Did you know it's National Quilting Day today, on March 15th?  I wish you a day filled with happy quilting moments!


  1. Love everone's blocks! Well done

  2. Thank you for the lovely compliment! We do have a couple of acres that need to have something done with them! ;-}
    I love houses & buildings that have faces and was giggling this morning at some of the cute expressions I saw! Stay tuned...there may be a little Kaffe appearing in another neighborhood near you soon!

  3. Great houses Ladies!!! Isn't this a fun project?! Thanks again to Kim for hosting this quilt-a-long!!!

  4. Enjoyed seeing all the new house blocks. Sorry I'm not keeping up. Wish I had thought to piece in the doors & windows.


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