Sunday, February 23, 2014

Scrap Basket Sunday--Thinking About Something New

Yes, I'm thinking about doing something new.  Of course, I usually am, and it's usually much, much more than I'll ever have time to accomplish in this lifetime!  But seriously, I've been thinking about the next scrap project.  I've thought about doing something with strings for awhile now, and then I saw this quilt in a book--

I really love the way designer Cheryl Wall combined the string blocks with homespun and applique, don't you?  So I'm thinking about doing something like this.  By the way, the pattern is from the book At Home with Country Quilts--

And yes, I ordered the book today though Amazon.  I don't know if I'll make the exact same string quilt idea, but there are plenty of other quilts in the book that I liked . . . a lot!

In the meantime, I'm continuing to quilt the Pie in the Sky quilt and I'll put in a little time on that project today.  Are you working on anything scrappy?  If so, link up so we can see what you've been doing!

Happy stitching!


  1. Hello,
    I send you my first scrappy project.

  2. I have that book...and have loved that pattern for a long time! Let me know if you decide your heart is set on making it!!

  3. The book has been on my want list for a while now. I'm still collecting homespun fabrics for projects. 24

  4. I made a string quilt a couple of years ago and so enjoyed the process. The design you are considering is really special, with the added applique. I say 'go for it!"

  5. I really love the large pot of appliqués flowers. You always find interesting quilts to make and samples to inspire us all

  6. That's funny, Kim, I've been thinking about making a scrappy string quilt, too. I love that one you chose. And, of course, I have all of those Thimbleberries scraps. At least that's what I was envisioning in a string quilt. Hope all is well with you.
    Take care, Pam in Sacramento


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!