Sunday, February 16, 2014

A Little "Housecleaning"

I've been debating how I wanted to quilt the Pie in the Sky quilt, and I finally decided to use a particular stencil design in each block, so I spent part of my Saturday transferring the design onto some of the blocks--I think I probably stenciled the first 25 blocks or so.  Before quilting, though, I thought I should give the old Juki a little clean.  Well, a "little clean" led to unscrewing and removing the bottom of the machine--and BOY WAS IT NASTY IN THERE!  I brushed out all the dust bunnies and wiped out the bottom tray, and although it's not all bright and shiny new by any means, I am confident that it's a much happier machine now.  After putting the bottom back on, I wiped down the outside and gave it a little machine oil, and I do think it's working quite nicely!

After Ms. Juki got her little spa treatment, I started quilting the first few blocks while watching the Olympics.  I plan to keep working on the quilting on Sunday, especially since it's Scrap Basket Sunday and this is my scrappy quilt project.  What are you working on?  If you have a scrappy project to share, please post a photo or two on your blog and link up below.

Happy stitching!


  1. I'm thinking I need to go clean my sewing machine now...teeheee....

  2. it is amazing how dusty they get! today I am finishing block #2 of the Halloween Quilt...boy are those blocks labor intensive! And then I am hoping to go to a Bertie's class.

  3. I shudder to think what my sewing machine looks like in the hidden parts. Maybe I better take look and give it a clean out. I just started another scrap project so I'm back as Sunday regular.

  4. Put a link to a blog post I did on scrap projects along with an organizing system for fabrics. Lots of projects. Thanks to you for more ideas!!

  5. I send you the link to my scrappy project. Time after time I did some tiny things to use my scraps but it is always the same...

  6. If a string quilt is considered a scrap quilt project, well I guess there is a scrap project shared on my blog- LOL.
    Good reminder on machine cleaning. Mine just came back from a service but I do open up the bobbin area as much as possible and give it a good "sweeping out".


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!