Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A Busy Week

I'm looking at a busy week ahead with not too much time to sew or blog about sewing, so I thought I'd post the only other thing I have to show you--the star centers of the Star Light, Star Bright quilt along.  This is the one where we get weekly tasks.  Yes, it's the same quilt along where I had to make 512 half square triangles and get them all trimmed up--remember me whining about that last week?  Well, now we start enjoying the payoff of having made all those HSTs.  Here are my star blocks--please excuse the shiny bags that I photographed through, but I need to keep the rest of the "parts" for each block all together or I'd be lost!

And although having those HSTs already made helped with assembling these centers, making 16 of these blocks still took some time--I spent much of the weekend working on them.

On Wednesday we'll get the next step--which I think might be making the side sections of the blocks, but I'm not positive because I haven't looked back at the schedule to check.  Truth to tell, though, I sort of cheated with the first block I made--I made all the sections to see how a block would look when it finally goes together.  But I didn't get a photograph of that block laid out, so I can't share it with you, but I'm kind of excited to see how these turn out.

I was hesitant about using the black background to start with but it's turning out much like I imagined it would, at least so far!  And I like it!  It's really nice when things turn out the way you see them in your mind, isn't it?  But I'm not all done yet, so stay tuned!


  1. I am loving the black background. The fun, bright stars pop off it making quite a sunning statement. This will be a pretty quilt.

  2. What method are you using to make your HST's? I just took a class at guild and the teacher had us drawing the grid on the fabric like the grid that is on triangle paper. Drawing it on!! I don't think so!

  3. Yes, the black was a perfect background choice. Cannot wait to see the stars all together in a top.
    No need to reply to my comment- you sound very busy ;-)

  4. I love your stars! I am only doing one block of this quilt along, but I love it too. Such a fun way to try a new pattern. I love your black background.


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