Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Did You Know Already?

For those of you who are fans of the Outlander series (by Diana Gabaldon) . . . and really, who isn't?! . . . well, did you know that Starz is filming a mini series to air sometime this summer?

Claire and Jamie.  Yep, it's true.  There's a Facebook page and everything.

Have you read Outlander?  How many times?

You haven't read it?  I kind of envy you . . . how excellent would it be to look forward to reading one of the best and most romantic books of all time . . . for the FIRST time?!  If you haven't read it, you really must.  If you've read it and want to refresh your memory, please do!  And if you want a link to the book on Amazon in its many forms, including Kindle, click HERE.


  1. How wonderful! I hope they air it in Australia and I hope Jamie fulfills my expectations of him that I have built in my head.

  2. I love this series and have read it several times. I don't suppose we will see the TV series in the UK.

  3. Loved this book...the first one was by far the best...can't wait to see Claire and Jaime!

  4. I've been reading since Outlander first came out, so other than Dragonfly (which I didn't know about--I didn't realize it was a series) I've waited patiently for each book. I follow Diana on facebook, so I've know about the series for a while. Isn't this photo awesome?!!!! I really hope I'm not disappointed with the series, but I know Diana is a consultant, so I'm hoping for the best.

  5. OM gosh, seriously!!!! A mini series..I read Outlander years ago and again and again and all the sequels. I want to be rescued by Jamie lol!

  6. I've really been looking forward to this! I'm so glad I am not alone...

  7. Oh, how wonderful! I just hope we get a chance to see it here in Sweden. I bought the first book for myself one Christmas (to Louise from Santa)to make sure I would have some reading during the holidays. I had no idea what I got myself into! I basically finished the book in one sitting! And then I turned the last page and it said: Read the first chapter of the continuation.... All the stores were closed for two days (Christmas)! When they finally opened I bought the next book, read it and the same thing happened again! You would think that I learned and checked how many parts, but noooo, not me. The third book I did, I'm a slow learner! :) Thanks for the good news!

  8. you had me at Jamie...

    seriously, i don't want to even THINK about how many times i've read the books - especially since i am a slooooowwwww reader and they are BBBBIIIIGGGG BBBBBOOOOOKKKSSSS

  9. I just recently read them all. Can't wait for the next one. I'm always disappointed with series from great books. Hope they do this one justice!

  10. Oh, I love time travel books. I'll have to check out the books and the show! Have you ever read The Mirror by Marylis Milhiser? A wonderful time travel book. I have an extra copy I'd love to send you.

  11. Sheesh! Well it looks like I'm the only one that has never read this book but since I really enjoy time travel books, I'm heading over the Amazon now to download it. Thanks for the link!

  12. Oh SQUEAL! I have read the series several times, and my paperback are worse for wear. Every time a new book came out I reread the whole series. (OK my squeal attracted the attention of my husband) I obviously do not get excited about much.

  13. own the entire collection...and I hear that she will be in Portland for an authors presentation!

  14. I think every woman who has ever read about Himself n Claire has a picture of what he looks like. I just hope they do our imagimation justice. Personally I love my
    Jamie. Lol


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