Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Doing Christmas Stuff

Did I tell you I'm off work this week?  No?  Well, guess what?  I'M OFF WORK THIS WEEK!  WOO-HOO!

Remember I was hoping to get some of my Christmas decorations done before Thanksgiving but didn't really?  I just did some cleaning and clearing instead.  So this week, I'm doing the actual decorating.  And why does it take SOOOOOOO long?  It seems like I get very little done despite working on "stuff" all day!

I guess part of it is the little side projects that eat up time.  Today I painted snowmen.  A bunch of them.

For some reason, my camera's flash wasn't going off, so this is a little darker than I would have liked, but you get the idea, right?  This--the snowmen ornaments--is a free Bunny Hill pattern you can access HERE if you'd like a pile of your own.  Hobby Lobby had the white glass balls.  I played around a bit with the mouths, the directions of the noses, etc.

I should have some decorations to show you in another day or two and maybe I'll even get a little sewing done while I'm off--maybe a little blogging too.  And I'll show you what I did with these little guys.  See you soon!


  1. Your post today is a real 'teaser'! Can hardly wait to see what you did with the snowmen.

  2. I just love snowmen - yours are adorable. I'm thrilled because my daughter is coming home this weekend and she used to be my Head Decorator... so it will be fun to get it done with her help. Yay!

  3. Oh! Those are cute!! I may swing by Hobby Lobby next week and pick up some of the white ornaments and stash for next year. No time this year. Who am I kidding?! I will find the time. LOL!

  4. Those are very cute snowmen. I'm eager to see what you do with them.

  5. My decorating is taking me longer, too, this year. I love the little snowmen!! You always have such cute, quick crafting ideas to go along with the quilting inspiration. I love it!


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