Saturday, December 28, 2013

Ah, Now that THAT's Over . . .

Christmas is past and the weekend is here.  Finally I have a little time for quilting!  I think one of the things I'm going to work on is my Scrap Basket Sunday project.  At the end of this post, I'll include the Mister Linky sign-up in case any of you are ready to join in too.  All that's required is that you work on a scrappy project this weekend, post your progress on your blog, and link from Mister Linky to your blog so we can visit to see what you've been doing.

Have you started to think about your "quilting resolutions" for 2014 yet?  I usually try to come up with a goal for the year, and I'm thinking this year my goal might be to finish some of the unquilted quilt tops I've piled up.  I'm thinking about a goal of one a month, but I might need to scale that back a little bit so I have time for a few other things.  But I'll think about it and let you know.  How about you?

I've also signed up through the Fat Quarter shop for the Bertie's Year BOM.  Are any of you working on that project, either through a shop or on your own?  Here's what it looks like:

It's a series of 12 stand-alone little projects but I've also seen these set into one quilt and it's awfully cute!  The Fat Quarter Shop kits use flannel, but it would be lovely in wool or cotton, too.

Speaking of Block of the Month projects, this is the perfect time to think about selecting one for the coming year.  You may recall that last year I worked on the Buttermilk Basin sheep blankets.  I thought I'd show you December's blanket--which I also finished just a day or two before Christmas!

If you're interested in beginning this one, the pattern set is available through the Buttermilk Basin website HERE.   Priced around $24, it's really a bargain for the 12 monthly patterns and it includes instructions for making the sheep too.  I used an old chenille bedspread I found at Goodwill to make mine along with some black wool for the face and ears. I picked up a package of doll eyes at Hobby Lobby or JoAnn's, I believe.  (The sheep is also a nice gift for a child!)

I have several Bunny Hill BOM patterns that I'd like to make.  In fact, I've kitted up one called A Vintage Christmas--

When I kitted mine, I made up a couple extra kits, all with most of the original fabrics; this might be a good time to list them for sale in my Etsy shop.  I'll try to remember to post a "heads up" if I list them in case any of you are interested.  But this is one I'm thinking about working on this year.  The applique is fairly simple and the fact that I have all of the materials assembled will make it fairly fast . . . I HOPE!

Many of the fabrics Anne Sutton used in A Vintage Christmas are by Renee Nanneman of Need'l Love--I love her Itsy Bits lines.  She's having a sale now on fat quarter bundles, and since I've already safely put in my order, I'll share the link--click HERE.  She has a couple of bundles of 24 fabrics for sale at $48--that's just $2 a fat quarter and they blend with a lot of different fabrics.

So, have I helped you spend your Christmas money now?!  I'm sorry if I tempted you--if you need to explain to anyone, tell them it was my fault!  Okay, then, let's offset the indulgences I've led you toward and be thrifty by using some leftover scraps.  Here's Mister Linky:


  1. hi Kim -- my sons gave me the Bertie's Year BOM from FQS as a Christmas present and I can't wait to get my hands on it. From what I understand the first month will be the block for February - which hopefully we'll keep me motivated to get it finished in time to display for February. It will be fun to see your progress -- take care!

  2. Well, I did some damage to my checkbook at Renee's site thanks to you.

  3. I also am doing Bertie' goal, to actually finish it each month. I tried to sign up for mr. Linky but I guess I am Linky challenged, lol

  4. I want to FINSH things. I have at least 5 UFO's and am working on the Bonnie Hunter Mystery quilt right now. So I stopped all of my other WIP to do that. I also have 2-6 that I am working on in my head. My head is very busy.

  5. Love the way that first BOM has different HST frames! I have the Ripples and Reflection kit for my BOM this year - it should keep me busy!

  6. my BOM for 2014 is gonna be the Shabby Fabrics Little Blessings wallhangings - but i am already behind cuz i haven't decided if i want wall hangings or a quilt (any excuse in a storm, right?!?) ... i think i will stay away from those links - i got myself into a World of Doo Doo when i visited the Over the Rainbow sale a few days ago...

  7. Kim:
    I have many BOM's sitting around hogging fabrics I could be using for other projects. Could you tell us how you KIT UP a project? I would like to figure that out so I can free up the leftover fabrics. Just askin'.......thanks in advance...arden


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!