Sunday, October 27, 2013

Easily Distracted

I planned to spend the entire day on Saturday locked in the Sweat Shop, but it didn't quite turn out that way.  Oh, I sewed and sewed on Twister Jack in the morning until I thought I needed a break, and then I got on the exercise bicycle for awhile.  I usually do 40 minutes but it takes about an hour because I often take a little break about half way through, or I might refill my iced tea or ice water or whatever I happen to be drinking.  So an hour was lost from sewing.  But by early afternoon, I was back in the Sweat Shop, working on Twister Jack again.  And that lasted maybe about an hour or two until I started thinking about shoe shopping.  And then I was lost.


I found some cute shoes though.

So I got home again just in time to cook dinner, and then after dinner, I got distracted by my clothes closet--I got busy trying on a couple things to see how they looked with new shoes and remaking a couple items of clothing.  You know those fake front things they sew into the neckline of tops so they look layered?  I had a top with one of those that I didn't like, so I cut it out.  And I found a dress at Goodwill last week; I liked the print and fabric, but I didn't like the weird gathers just in the center of the front and the center of the back.  I also thought it was longer than I wanted it to be.  So I ended up cutting out the middle of the dress and removing the gathered sections and then sewing it all back together again and adding some elastic all the way around just a little under the bustline.  I think it turned out kind of cute, really, and taking out the middle took care of shortening it too.  So I sewed; I just didn't sew on Twister Jack right then.

Then I got back on the exercise bike--sometimes on weekends I go for a second "ride."  Half way through, I stopped to have a snack of grapes.  I told Hubby I'd ridden my bike to the fruit stand.

Finally, I got back to Twister Jack for about an hour, but I'm not even close to having it all sewn together.  Oh, well, maybe I'll work on it a little bit tomorrow, although I have a pumpkin-carving party to go to and a house to clean, so maybe not.

Is anyone else getting stuff done?  Are you playing with scraps?  Would you like to show us? Here's Mister Linky--link up and we'll come visit you to see what scrappy project you've been working on.

Happy quilting! (Or shopping, or whatever else you're distracted by this weekend!)


  1. What a hilarious post! I literally laughed out loud at the part about shoe shopping! Hey at least you did something constructive during your "distractions" from your goal. btw I think you should post a picture of your new shoes.

  2. Hi Kim, I just discovered your blog, thanks to being a fan of Mark Lipinski's. I'm a non-traditional quilter working on several projects - and who isn't?

    The border fabrics on your blog - the brown/blue floral and especially the blue homespun (?) that looks like it has a faint print. It would make my day to find a small ( maybe 12" sq ) for something I'm working on. I'd be glad to pay top dollar, or at least, close to the top.

    I'd be glad to explain what I'm doing, but it might lull you into another nap. Or maybe it's enough to say that chickens are involved.

    Cheers, and it's cooling off nicely in Tucson, too,okiesw

    Kate O'Rielly


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!