Monday, September 9, 2013

More Scrappy Stuff

Like some of you, I played around in my scraps again today.

I cut another 200 squares for the sashing of the Pie in the Sky quilt--plus I had a few leftover.  I don't know exactly how many I need, but I originally estimated somewhere around 1,000--with the ones I cut today, I have 1,100; I guess this week I'll need to try to calculate more exactly how many are needed for the quilt top.  I'd hate to stop cutting too soon and then have to try to mix in enough other fabrics to keep it looking scrappy.

Mister Stitch wasn't amused by the counting--he wanted me to feed him his dinner.

Ronda doesn't have a blog but loves scrappy quilts and wanted to enter the giveaway, so I told her I'd post her photos here on my blog to share with you and then enter her in the giveaway--if anyone else would like to do the same, please email me.  This first one is a scrappy blue quilt top she's been working on.

She also wanted to show us a pineapple quilt she'd finished.  This is always an excellent choice for scraps--the repetitive use of the white unifies all the scrappy colors.  Yep, a pineapple quilt is definitely on my scrap bucket list.

Thanks for sharing, Ronda!  And remember--if you want to be included in the giveaway, add your name and blog link to Mister Linky AND leave me a comment asking to be entered in the giveaway.  If you don't ask to be entered, I'll figure you have more than enough scraps already and don't want to adopt mine!  Good luck and happy scrapping.


  1. I would love to be part of your give-away even though I do not have a blog. Scrappy quilts are my favorites and I always work on sewing scraps together. I do live in Sweden but have a very good friend in San Fransisco who does not mind storing things (fabrics) for me until my next visit. In case I win....:) I will try to figure out how to send you a photo of my quilt.
    Louise in Sweden

  2. Ms Cha Cha says "poor, Stitch!" Her knows about "starving" while the human cuts fabric. lol

    Rhonda's quilts are beautiful. I'm thinking my next scrappy may be a Pineapple.

  3. I don't have a blog either but would LOVE to be included in your give away for your scraps....


  4. Like Louise in Sweden, I don't blog- and I don't live in the US. but I love to follow quilting blogs. There's a wealth of information out there! If I were lucky enough to win your lovely scraps You could jusT drop them off at my daughters apartment, on Northrop Ave. Scrappy quilts are my favorite!

  5. I don't have a blog but love scrappy quilts - would love to win your box.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!