Monday, September 2, 2013

I Need a Holiday!

Whew!  I planned to clean house on Sunday, but I didn't expect I'd spend the whole day doing it!  But it had been awhile since I did a REALLY thorough job, and on top of that, I was sick and tired of my wool stash being all willy-nilly, helter-skelter, so I reorganized most of it.  I'll have to take a photo to show you, but basically I ended up rolling any pieces that were larger than scraps, so now I can better see what colors of wool I have too--NOT that I was able to organize it by color.  THAT's something I'd like to do one of these days, but what I did today was time-consuming enough; I really needed to move on with the rest of my "chores" so the color sorting will have to wait.

And I cooked.  I roasted a chicken and made chicken soup for the coming week.  I cooked apples in the crockpot, so I have something a bit like applesauce that makes a reasonably healthy dessert.  Unfortunately the one thing I didn't get done today was to clean the kitchen; I'll have to do that on Monday.

I didn't mention it yesterday, but I spent much of Saturday at the office--too many things to do there and not enough time to do them meant the only reasonable solution was to work on Saturday.

So . . . I need a day off.  Since it's Labor Day weekend, I don't have to go back to work until Tuesday.  Once I get the kitchen cleaned, I hope to spend my day in the Sweat Shop.  Although I have to confess, that's another room I didn't clean today and I KNOW it needs a lot of organizing, so who knows?  I have a feeling that once I get in there, I may just spend a lot of time getting things tidied away and put in order.  But maybe not.  There's a Halloween project that's calling to me.

How have you spent your weekend?


  1. Well, I am setting up a second household in the city (Portland). Craziness reigns. Furniture gets delivered today so last night we stayed at a hotel 2 blocks away. My glasses and stitching are sitting over at the condo and I am hunting and pecking on this IPad, lol. Chicken soup sounds good...wish someone would clean my kitchen! I've got my wool in plastic milk crates 2 colors to a bucket. Rolling them sounds interesting.

  2. Saturday is a complete blur to me. However, Sunday I did get all the blocks made for a twin size Yellow Brick Road for my grandson. Today I hope to sew them together and add the borders. I hope....

  3. I did more cleaning than sewing this weekend too. We just got our daughter settled at college so with her bedroom empty of her presence, I figured it was a good time to give it a good clean. I'm also realizing I don't have her around anymore doing her chores, most of which I will have to take on. Unless I can teach our corgis how to empty wastebaskets and vacuum.

  4. You are a Wonder Woman! Decluttering, here one shopping bag at a time. Had a lovely day with friends on Saturday working on a pieced block and knitting. Finished the Maise Dobbs book I borrowed from you - it was an excellent read. Cleaning a bit as I go and putting summer decorations away in anticipation of bringing out Fall things. Thinking of you. "Sweat On!"

  5. How can it be Labor Day already?! I've been doing so much general cleaning lately (especially when a Pepsi explodes in the kitchen...need I say more?), today has been devoted to a miniature paper-pieced donated quilt for our quild's Oct. show. I decided to make 2 so I'll have one. I finished the 240 little strips today so I'm happy! Zel


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!