Thursday, August 15, 2013

Things Are Looking Up . . .

I felt better today--my cold wasn't quite as bad and I didn't really have any sore muscles to speak of.  I might be singing a different tune tomorrow, because I had another CrossFit session tonight and when I got done, my muscles were feeling a little wobbly, but I'm not going to worry about it--I really think I'm finally starting to adjust and am over the worst of it.  Best of all today, though, is that once I finished CrossFit, I drove straight over to a local quilt shop for Thimbleberries Club, and let me show you the goodies I had to bring home with me.

I'm such a sucker for all things Halloween!  These two pieces are from a line by Maude Asbury called Spooktacular.  Darling, aren't they?

Of course, I have no idea what I'll do with them, but I purchased 1-1/2 yards of the first piece and 2-1/2 yards of the second; it seemed wise to buy large pieces because the prints are big and perfect for borders or large focus squares.

Clearly Stitch prefers the cat print though.  Maybe he'd like a cape for Halloween?

I was just telling my friends the other day that I have no idea where all the stuff that's cluttering up the Sweat Shop came from because I really don't buy that much fabric these days, but a yard here and a yard there really add up, don't they?  And, of course, I have no idea what tiny corner of my stash shelves I'll wedge these pieces into because the Halloween section is filled to bursting. Oh, well, I guess I'd better get busy sewing so I can use some of these fabrics up.  And I have just the project in mind--I'll show you tomorrow.


  1. I'm really impressed that you went to Crossfit when you didn't feel great. That would have been my first excuse NOT to go! I'm curious about how you've decided to change up your diet. Great Halloween fabric! There's always room for more.

  2. Bring it on. I can hardly wait!!!!

  3. There is always space for the latest fabric seasons and trends. Love your latest hallow e'en prints.

  4. I am heading to the pool this morning to loosen up the muscles from a training session yesterday that has left me howling today! I love that you bought Halloween has spurred me on to think about my Halloween UFO's!

  5. Can't get enough of Halloween and Pumpkin fabrics, quilts and wall hangings. As for more fabric storage...think UTBs. Under The Bed tubs.

  6. That's funny, I just started a Halloween quilt today. Looking forward to your next post.


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