Monday, August 12, 2013

The First 300

My arms felt well enough today to allow me to cut another 150 squares, so now I have 300 of the approximately 1,000 I need for the sashing of the Pie in the Sky quilt.

And since my Thimbleberries Club meets this coming Wednesday, I thought I should construct the August block for the block of the month quilt we've been working on.  I think it's supposed to look like a big sunflower.

Thank you all for the exercise support, and yes, I know you're laughing with me.  I just have to laugh at myself--and share the amusing stories with you--because I'm so obviously out of shape it's silly, but I'm going to do what I can to change that.  Diet too.  A couple of you asked about my diet.

For a long time, I've taken the position that diets don't really work and that it's more important to eat healthy foods and change the way one eats on a daily basis.  And I still believe that to some extent, but I recently read that people are more successful with weight loss when they very seriously DO diet, because seeing the quicker change keeps a person motivated to keep working toward their goal.  When I thought about it, that made sense.  After all, there has to be some reason why I keep falling off the "healthy eating" wagon before I'm ever able to lose any weight.  So instead of saying this time that I'm simply modifying my eating habits with a goal to slowly lose weight, I really AM dieting, with a goal to lose weight as quickly as I'm able in a reasonably healthy way.  And I'm not following any particular diet method.  Primarily I'm watching calories.  Within that parameter, I'm limiting fats and I'm eating lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and several servings of veggies and a couple servings of fruit each day.  Oh, and trying to make sure I get enough calcium, usually in the form of yogurt, low fat milk, a limited amount of cheese, and yes, low fat ice cream, because I love a daily treat and would feel grumpy and deprived without it.

So all in all, I'm hoping the diet along with the exercise will move me along toward the result I'd like to achieve.  And I think paying the money I'm paying for these CrossFit classes--which is higher than I ever thought I'd pay to feel the way I have this past week--will keep me going, because I'd hate to waste all that money.  And if I start losing weight and feeling better--and I actually DO feel better already--I hope that will keep me motivated too.  Then my idea is that after I've dieted and exercised for awhile, it will become more natural and a way of life for me--maybe.  At least I hope so.  Different methods work better for different people, and I'm ready to try something that's a little more drastic than what I've done in the recent past.  I'll let you know how I'm doing now and then without going on and on about it and boring you to death, and I'll be sure to share any funny stories related to my diet and exercise.  Laughter is good too--I think it even burns a few calories!


  1. I've recently changed my diet and it has significantly helped in my weight loss plan. I feel healthier and exercise is limited buy helping. Good luck on your journey.

  2. Dieting is never fun but it sounds like you're doing great.
    Try sugar free pudding made with skim milk as a's really good too.

  3. I agree with your ideas about dieting and what you plan on eating. I think the more natural the food the better, and you can eat everything, just watch your portions. So between your diet, exercise and wonderful attitude I think you'll do great! Keep us updated!

  4. I just finished the pie in the sky quilt, and I agree there are a boatload of little squares to cut, layout and sew together! A little challenging, but really I think of quilting as a slow steady road to completion. I'm not a blogger but will send a photo when I can. Good luck to you

  5. You know you are out of shape when you work out, hear a joke and it HURTS TO LAUGH!
    I do Weight Watchers, am at Life Time goal wt, and have been a WW member for about 10 yrs now. I go up, have to pay, and lose it again. I've used other food plans (DIET is a 4 letter word)and if you can't handle that $$$ there are free web page calorie counters, My Fitness Plan, Spark, and I'm sure a few more.
    Like anything, it works, IF you WORK IT!
    love your blog thanks for sharing.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!