Thursday, August 22, 2013

Somebody Needs to Kick Me

Because I did absolutely nothing tonight!  Yes, I'm still sticking with CrossFit, so I DID do that, but then I came home and melted into the couch.  I didn't even OPEN the door to the Sweat Shop!

Consequently, I have nothing productive to show you, but I CAN try to tempt you to buy some stuff.  If you don't want to be tempted, click away now.

When we were on vacation up near Seattle, my favorite quilt shop of the couple I visited was Carriage Country Quilts--just as some of you recommended--and while I was there, I purchased a pattern or two by a local designer, Susan Pinick, who has a pattern company called On Pins and Needles.  Seriously, I could have purchased a lot more of her patterns, but I held back a little.  However, when I came home, I couldn't resist a little web search or two, and sure enough, I found her Etsy website.  Want to see it?  Well, first I'll show you two of her patterns, just so you know up front whether her work appeals to you before you click over there.

Embroidery anyone?

Or maybe you prefer wool?

I haven't bought either of these patterns (yet), so please feel free to show your appreciation for this tip by gifting me one.  Yes, I'm just kidding!  But seriously, how could her patterns NOT appeal to anyone and everyone? Anyway, here's a link to her Etsy store:  ON PINS AND NEEDLES

And, by the way, if you're ever in Des Moines, Washington . . . .

Oh, and when I said somebody needs to kick me, I wasn't suggesting you should retaliate for your lack of retail self-control!  After all, I DID warn you ahead of time.  Hopefully tomorrow evening will be more productive for me.  "See" you then.


  1. No, I will not buy another pattern. I think I have you to blame for the Twister Jack kit I bought! By the way, I totally love it and it looks terrific! Lurking Linda

  2. So, it sounds like Cross Fit is detrimental to quilting.

  3. LOL You might not have gotten to your sewing room, but your sense of humor is intact! :-) Love those patterns.

  4. I love all those wool rugs/table toppers but I don't work in wool at all. I see cute stuff like this and I'm tempted.

  5.'s the scenario - tucked up in bed on a cold winter morning (should be getting ready for work) catching up on some blog reading....see your on over to Carrige Country Quilts and buy three patterns! Too, too easy! thanks for sharing (I think) :)

  6. I'm so glad you got to the shop. I knew you would love it. You've not said much of anything about the cruise itself. Did you enjoy it? Did your husband have an easy time managing? I certainly hope so!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!