Monday, August 26, 2013

A Couple More . . .

I always expect I'll get a lot of sewing done on the weekends, but by Sunday night, it rarely seems to have gone the way I anticipated on Friday.  I guess this weekend I got a bit off track with shopping and cooking, but I really wouldn't change that--I think doing more than sitting in the Sweat Shop for two days keeps me from being too one-dimensional.  At least it gets me a little fresh air!

Oh, well.  I think the REAL problem is that weekends are just too darn short!

So what did I do?  Besides cutting those 300 squares I showed you, I worked on a few more basket blocks.  Here's what I have so far:

One more basket will give me 13, which is enough for the smaller quilt.  I'm still not sure if that's where I'll stop or if I'll go on and make more--25 are needed for the larger version.  I guess it might depend on how much I'm able to sew this week.

Speaking of this week, I anticipate it will be a very crazy, heavy week at work, so I might miss posting--I just wanted to mention it so you don't wonder what happened to me if there's no new post someday.  We have a lot of deadlines, and I suspect I may be going back to work in the evenings after my CrossFit classes.  ARGH!

Knowing what's ahead, I really, really HATE that the weekend's come to an end, but it's time to head toward bed.  Thanks for stopping by for a visit!


  1. Your little baskets are looking great. We suffere from weekends that are far too short too!! Hope you survive the week OK :-)

  2. I don't have time for this one this month...looking good


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