Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Why does getting ready for vacation take so much time?

Hubby and I will be cruising off toward Alaska soon, and not long after that, we'll be traveling to central California for a niece's wedding.  I ended up spending most of Sunday working out the various travel arrangements, reservations, excursions, etc.  Isn't that crazy?  I've also been making lists and doing a little shopping here and there, with more to follow in the coming days.  Hubby's also been pressed into action with his own list of tasks to take care of.  By the time vacation comes along, we'll be so worn out from making our vacation plans, we'll seriously need a vacation!

I think we were both a little panicked on Sunday when we read the on-line cruise brochure about appropriate attire and the fact that we'd have two FORMAL evenings to dress for.  I work with people who will jump at the opportunity to dress up, but Hubby and I aren't those people.  Happily, I learned from friends who cruise that we aren't REQUIRED to participate--despite the fact that the cruise brochures make it sound mandatory.  Whew!  I was trying to figure out how we could possibly bring that much more luggage to hold dress up clothing and all that goes with it--that's probably a whole suitcase on its own!

And speaking of luggage, that's another quest I've been on.  Years ago, we purchased a set of luggage--or, now that I think about it, I believe it was a gift to us.  Anyway, a couple of the pieces have worn out, so Hubby and I are looking for a new piece or two.  I stopped at a discount department store tonight and found a nice carry-on size piece, but ideally I'd like to get another large-ish piece, so the quest continues.

I think one of the difficulties in packing for a cruise to Alaska is figuring out what to pack for summer time in a normally freezing climate.  Yes, as with most things, layers are a good idea, and luckily, I think, I tend to gravitate toward a lot of black in my wardrobe anyway, so I probably have a little easier time throwing together layers that don't clash.  Normally I pack too much though, and that could be a problem since we'll be gone nine days and airlines can be so darn picky about piles of luggage.  Or I pack too much of one type of thing and not enough of another.  And I think I need to purchase a few things, so I'll be busy with that too in the next day or so.

There's also the "Christmas Effect" to guard against.  That's where you go shopping because you need a lightweight sweater and a couple pairs of socks, for instance.  You don't find the sweater or the socks you need, but you DO find three really cute tops for work.  At that rate, if you shop much more, you won't be able to afford the vacation anyway.

So I don't know what I'll find to blog about in the next several days since I'm anticipating only very limited time in the Sweat Shop, but I'll try to find something to say.  But if I miss a post, just know that I'm shopping or making lists or doing something else really boring, okay?


  1. You will be fine. I have been on a few cruises and I find that if I bring 3 pair of slacks I can mix and max tops with for dinners I am fine. We usually do 7 day cruises. Going to Alaska my friends who have gone wore jeans most of the time during the day and brought 3 sweaters and a hooded sweatshirt. They wore tennis shoes and bought a slicker that folds up really well. You can bring 2 pair of shoes for dinner . Maybe a pair of gloves. Of course warm socks.
    I hope you have a great time I am sure you will find a fabric store around there some place :0)

  2. I lived in Alaska for 4 years, and we went on the ferry in the inside passage twice. Yes, layers are appropriate. I would pack several long sleeve knit tops and a few shirts/sweaters to wear over them. I would also take mostly pants. Don't forget a raincoat and/or umbrella. One day I flew from Anchorage (where I lived) to Juneau b/c my best friend was on a cruise and I was meeting her. All I took was my purse and rain stuff--and I needed them! I hope you don't, but the inside passage is technically a rain forest. I was considering other books--Have you read Nora Robert's Northern Lights? It takes place in Alaska. Also I really like the author J. A. Jance and she has a mystery that takes place on a cruise to Alaska. It is called Birds of Prey. (I think it is fun to read about places I'm visiting.)

  3. I've never been on a cruise. However, I have heard that you can arrange to rent formal attire for your husband and they'll have it in your room. Also, you could get a really lovely fancy dress at a consignment shop. I sold my dress I wore to my son's wedding to a consignment shop. It was beautiful but I'd never wear it again. I was told that lots of people get their formal cruise gowns there. Have fun!

  4. You are never boring!! Chatter on.................

  5. I too have a hard time packing for trips with variable weather and unknown access to shops for anything I might forget! I keep lists for our recurring trips to help with my packing "anxiety". Have fun and take lots of pictures... an Alaskan cruise is on my bucket list.

  6. It's interesting to read this because we're planning our first Alaskan cruise in September. I am NOT going to take formal wear - we can order room service on those nights. Be sure to post some Do's and Don'ts tips when you get back. And have a wonderful time!!

  7. Hi Kim,
    I've never been on a cruise but my cousin goes once or twice every year. She is not a dress up person and on formal nights wears black pants and a dressy top. Something to think about instead of missing out on the formal night.
    Just finished the book "Mary Coin" centers around a famous photo taken during the depression. Weaves a story about the subject in the photo, the photographer, and a current day historian doing research. Good surprise ending.
    I have collected my fabrics for "comfort and Joy " which you sent me the pattern for. It will be done in primitives - but I won't start until late fall - 3 quilts ahead of it!
    enjoy your cruise

  8. Make sure you bring a warm jacket. We went on a cruise in June, 6 years ago, and being from Iowa, I thought the outer layer of my Columbia jacket would be enough when out on the deck looking at the ice bergs. It wasn't, I ended up wearing a sweatshirt under my outer layer and still covering up on deck with the blanket they provided. Have a great time!

  9. My husband and I have been on quite a few cruises and you'll find all kinds of clothes on the formal nights. One of our table mates who always wore shorts and tee shirt, wore a polo shirt with a tie for his formal wear. But then you may also see tuxedos and long gowns. I will say though, that our Alaska cruise was the least formal of any we've been on.

  10. We cruised to Alaska in July 2011 and I was too hot most of the time. I brought layers but ended up needing sandals and more cool t-shirts than I packed. I also would have killed for a pair of shorts! I can assure you sandals and shorts are NOT for sale in any port town--at least not that I could find.

    Marshall's and Ross-type stores can be great for single pieces of luggage.

  11. I was in Juneau over the 4th of July weekend. I wore jeans, a hoodie, and a raincoat the whole time I was there plus a hat. The temperature was in the 50's and cloudy the whole time. It is possible to have a sunny day but I wouldn't count on it!! If it is sunny you can wear a t-shirt and jeans. People in Alaska do not dress up. Don't know abut cruises since I have never been on one.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!