Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Personal Celebration of Freedom

On the 4th of July, Americans celebrate the anniversary of the country's beginning and the freedoms we enjoy.  On July 3rd, however, I celebrate the anniversary of my personal freedom--from smoking and addiction to cigarettes!  Woo-hoo!  It's been four years now, and I have to say that after those first five days, it's been pretty easy so far.  If you're interested in reading about my smoking (and quitting) history, you can find it HERE.

Did you see that this month's Schnibbles pattern (from Sinta's and Sherri's A Year of [Vintage] Schnibbles) is Lincoln?  Sinta's very pretty version can be found HERE.  I thought while I was thinking about it that I'd show you the Lincoln Schnibbles I made a few years ago--

I made it using leftover scraps from my Halloween 1904 quilt.  Here's a photo that shows a bit of both quilts--

I plan to make it again this month, unless I run out of time, but I'm leaning toward making a baby quilt from the pattern this time--just to have on hand in case I need one.  How about you?  Will you join the Schnibbles parade this month?  I hope you do!


  1. Congratulations on your anniversary

    Beautiful quilts

  2. Congratulations on your anniversary! That is an amazing accomplishment. My mom quit in her 50s after smoking since she was a teen. I pray every day that my husband would quit. He has tried several times.

  3. Congratulations on your anniversary! That is quite an accomplishment!

  4. Way to go on the quitting smoking!! I guess I have been following your blog for that long because I remember hearing about it when you first quit. And then nothing so I wondered how you were doing. That is an amazing thing. I too am in recovery of a different type and it has been 3 years May 7th. Quilting has helped tremendously!

    Molly in Sumner, WA

  5. Happy Anniversary! Happy 4th! Happy quilting!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. you go, girl!!!

    p.s. - this is not the FIRST reference to babies that i've noticed in these words of wisdom of your - am i going to be a great-auntie sometime soon?

  8. Never feel bad about buying fabric again - by not smoking look at all the money you save! Happy 4th!!!!
    Are you staying cool???

  9. don't you just love anniversaries - mine is New Years eve - 1999 - it was my own Y2K challenge and I am so glad - I now have 2 yr old triplet grandbabies that I enjoy greatly.

  10. Happy anniversary Kim! And hope you have a happy holiday too! I loved your 1904 quilt... I didn't remember the Lincoln you made. You can sqeeze in another version... I'm sure of it!!!

  11. Thanks for this post today. I've smoked for over 40 years and have just started trying to quit. Last week I started cutting back, from a pack and half a day to just a half a pack a day. Maybe I'll try the cold turkey starting tomorrow. Congrats on your anniversary.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!