Friday, July 19, 2013

None Too Soon!

I know I've talked about my vacation, but now I need to tell you that we're leaving on Saturday and I won't be able to blog for about ten days.  Well, maybe eight days, depending on whether our hotel in the Seattle area has public computers.  So other than the Scrap Basket Sunday sign-ups I'll be posting tomorrow, this will be my last post for a little bit.

As I was getting on the computer tonight, I saw that our temperatures here in Sacramento are expected to rise above 100 degrees tomorrow and continue rising through Saturday at least.  If that's the coming trend, we're getting out of Sacramento just in time!  A check of the weather forecast for our various ports in Alaska shows we'll have highs around 70 degrees with a chance of showers on several of the days; the exception is our visit to Glacier Bay when temperatures will be about 10 or 15 degrees higher and the sun will come out.  Needless to say, we'll be bringing our umbrellas on the cruise but at least we shouldn't need serious winter clothing.

I'm up WAAAAAY too late tonight yet again, but I wanted to finish prepping the second block I'll take with me from the Sew Spooky BOM.

When I come back from vacation, I'll have about a million bats to applique for the border, but at least I'll have the center blocks done.

Tomorrow night after work--and I sure hope I'm able to leave work at a decent time--Hubby and I will have a casual dinner out followed by an evening of packing.  Otherwise, I think I'm pretty much ready for the trip.

Don't forget me while I'm gone!  I should be back right here by the Tuesday after next.  "See" you then!


  1. I hope you have a wonderful vacation. Have fun!


  2. Have a fantastic vacation. Blogland will be waiting to hear of your fun adventure.

  3. Wishing you a relaxing, fun-filled vacation. An Alaskan cruise sounds like the perfect place to spend the heat wave. Stitching in a deck chair with a waiter attending to your needs while enjoying the scenery sounds like a dream. Enjoy.

  4. Have a wonderful time, I've heard the scenery is breathtaking. Enjoy!

  5. Enjoy yourselves! I look forward to hearing all about it!

  6. I'll miss you, but your vacation is well deserved and important. Have a great time.

  7. Have a great time! Sounds like perfect temperatures in Alaska!

  8. You're gettiing out of Dodge just in time with the impending heat wave. I always think of a vacation spot as somewhere cooler. How do you spell relief? Have fun. Stephani in N. TX (

  9. Kim, I hope that you and your husband have the most wonderful of vacations! I have heard that Alaska is beautiful and a cruise can only be even more wonderful! I will miss your daily posts, but, I know that I will enjoy your account of the trip!

    Doris R.

  10. The only time you will FOR SURE need serious winter clothing, is when you get close to whatever glacier the ship will cruise near. Something to keep your head and ears warm and a fleece jacket (easily packed) with several layers of whatever else you brought ought to do it. Have a fabulous time!

  11. Happy vacation - enjoy the cool!!
    See you when you get back...........

  12. Have a great time on your trip Kim! I am going to plan on SBS this weekend! I guess I will be filling in for you (wink). If you send me over some of your quilting energy!

  13. Hi Kim -- I hope you have wonderful weather and the best time! I'll be thinking about you (we all will!) and looking forward to photos of your ship and the glacier you visit. Florence

  14. Alaska and Glacier Bay? I am so jealous- they are on my Aimfer list for years, ever since my sister had a holiday job in Glacier Bay and sent home the most incredible photos!
    I hope you have a wonderful time!

  15. Have fun on your vacation! Enjoy the time away from blogging. I love your little project. Thank you for sharing.

    Please visit My Webblog


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