Sunday, June 2, 2013


Fist bump!  Woo-hoo!  I managed to make four scrappy blocks in time for show and tell!

I was afraid I wouldn't get them done in time, and in fact, I'm a little later than normal posting tonight, but that's okay.  After all, I couldn't NOT have scrappy blocks to show at my own scrap party!  How about you?  Did you sign up on yesterday's Mister Linky to share photos of what you've been working on?  I'm looking forward to visiting everyone to see what's new.

I think I might need to make a string quilt for my next scrappy project.  In visiting Scrap Basket Sunday quilters, I've seen several and they are all great!  Do you have a favorite scrap pattern you've made or maybe one that's still on your "to do" list?


  1. Your blocks are so pretty! I'm going to be working on string blocks this month - love making them.

  2. I just added my name to the list for Scrap Basket Sunday. Your blocks are so dang cute!

  3. Good on you with the blocks Kim! You'll have that quilt made and your scraps busted (hehe) before you now it!! I'm not joining in this week but hope to next time :-) Have a great week!

  4. There's nothing scrappy about those blocks ... they're lovely!
    Sorry I've been slack and haven't had time to play with scraps :(


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!