Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I Was Holding Out On You

I'm sure you'll remember Monice and Hen House Designs, and how generous she was go give me two of her Summer Picnic quilt patterns to give away, right?  Well, what I didn't tell you then was that she gave me a Summer Picnic table runner pattern to give away too.  I wanted to prolong the fun, so I held out for a week or two.  She designed this pattern to use wool for the applique, and it looks fantastic in wool as you can see below, but I'm sure if you have an aversion to wool but a knowledge of standard applique techniques, you could convert the pattern to use cotton.

Here's a photo of Monice's runner:

It's a heck of a lot prettier than the bad photo I took of the pattern with too much flash!

If you would like a chance to win the tablerunner pattern, leave me a comment saying you'd love to win and want to be entered.  And if you'd like to visit Monice's Etsy Shop, click HERE.  Unfortunately, I do not have a free copy of her Whimsical Hearts and Tulips pattern to give away, so you just might want to go ahead and purchase it.  It's a beauty, isn't it?

And no, this quilt isn't mine--I just stole the photo from Monice's Etsy shop; hopefully she won't mind!

I'll draw a winner Friday night and announce the winner on my Saturday blog post, so make sure you come back to check!


  1. Oooh pick me pick me, I love her patterns!

  2. Brings back lots of memories using the ball jars. Canning was a big part of my life. Still have a lot of these aqua blue jars. They are beautiful.

    Would love to win.

    Thank you, Kim

  3. I would love to win the pattern. It would go perfectly next to the Paul Rever picture I have of his home.
    Thank you

  4. That pattern just screams summer! When I saw the title of the post I thought you had made it already! I'd love to win it!

  5. You were holding out on us Kim. Both quilts are fabulous. Count me in the draw

  6. Thanks for the chance to win. And sharing another designer I was not familiar with. Really, I don't live under a rock.

  7. I'd love to win and want to be entered! What a beautiful quilt. It was nice of you to hold back and do another drawing. thanks for a chance to win.

  8. I would love to win. School's out (I'm a teacher) and I am hoping to have a little more time in the sewing room this summer!

  9. Great pattern! I would love to win it; I am a new wool applique enthusiast, so it would be great!

  10. I love working with wool. Please put my name in the jar!!!

  11. Love the tablerunner with wool, count me in.

  12. I would love to win the Summer Picnic pattern. I have lots of wool to make it and patriotic projects are a favorite of mine. Thanks for the opportunity!!

  13. The table runner is so cute. I would love to win it.

  14. I love anything to do with wool...great pattern!

  15. Yeppity Yep! I Would Love to Win! This Patriotic Design Gives Me The Warm Fuzzies!!!

  16. Would love to win this uber cute pattern! Thanks so much for doing this giveaway-you're the best!

  17. I would love to win the Summer Picnic pattern. I have been working with wool for about 1 yr and LOVE IT!
    Darla A.

  18. I love this pattern and wool!! Thanks for a chance at the giveaway!!

  19. Love the table runner. Please throw my name in the hat .

  20. I just love the ball jar-I would love to win!

  21. I'd love to be entered. When I didn't win the last pattern I purchased it along with the hearts and tulips pattern. I exhibited self control and didn't buy the runner pattern. Maybe I wasn't meant to because I'm going to win it????

  22. Please enter me. I would love to win this table runner pattern. I love the look and feel of wool.

  23. I'd like to be entered to win. It's a cute patriotic pattern. Thanks for sharing.

  24. I'd love to win the adorable patriotic table runner pattern! Thanks for the entertaining posts.

  25. I'd love to win the pattern. I love the tractor backdrop you chose.

  26. Oh, me me me!! I L.O.V.E. this table runner!

  27. Love anything having to do with a Ball Jar...and of course wool! Thank you! I have been having fun in your state!

  28. I'd love to win the pattern. Anything 4th of July is right up my alley!!!

  29. I love working with wool and this pattern makes me think of the good times when I was a kid. What fun it would be to make this runner. I also love your blog

  30. Ooh that is right up my alley! I'd love to win the pattern, thanks for the chance!

  31. Oh I would love to win that pattern. It would look perfect with my decor. Thanks for the chance to win.

  32. I'd love to win and want to be entered. I have tons of wool in my stash so could get it stitched up quickly!

  33. Pre try pattern. Please enter me.

  34. Please enter me in the drawing. I love that "Americana" look.
    Happy Summer !

  35. Ohhh yes Please!!! What a tease you are and her patterns are perfect. Jane

  36. Yes, I would love to win this table runner pattern. Thanks for the giveaway!

  37. I purchased her Whimsical Hearts and Tulips pattern when you mentioned it last time. Very cute pattern I hope to actually make someday! Of course, I would love to make the wool runner too. Perhaps if I am the lucky winner of the pattern. . . .?

  38. Ooh, I would love to win this, it would fit right in with my decor! Please enter me!

  39. Yes PLEASE I would like a chance at this patriotic pattern!

  40. Of course I would like to be entered in the drawing. I especially like the Ball jar. My husband has an antique collection of them, so I use some of them in my decorating. I still can each summer too. Thanks for the chance win!,

  41. I would love to make this great table runner for some of my American friends.

  42. That runner is adorable. I would love to win the pattern. Thanks for the giveaway!

  43. That is a really cute patriotic Americana project... and I love the tractor too! Nice photo!

  44. This is a gorgeous runner - even to those outside the USA... I can picture it with our own flag onit!

  45. now that's a kind of holding out that is okay with me. i would love to win


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