Saturday, June 8, 2013

Hot, Hot, Hot!

Can you believe it's supposed to be 108 degrees here in Sacramento today?  Yikes!  And on top of that, I'm hosting my stitchery group here at my house . . . where nowhere in my house is large enough to hold six women with their sewing supplies.  So, we have to gather out on the patio, BUT . . . once it gets too hot, and seriously that might be by the time they first arrive at 10 a.m., we'll load up the cars and head out--I have a surprise outing planned that shouldn't be too bad except when we have to get in and out of cars.  And I think that although we'll probably be miserable temperature-wise, we'll still have a good time together.  I'll try to remember to bring my camera.  (I sure hope nothing significant melts, except maybe a little cellulite!)

I'm looking forward to staying inside my air conditioned home on Sunday, holed up in the Sweat Shop, playing with scraps.  How about you?  Are you ready to sign up to invite us over to see what scrappy wonderfulness you've created and posted?


  1. Try to stay cool... most quilters won't mind the weather if someone suggests a little trip like you're hinting at. Enjoy!

  2. I have not linked up before and just found your blog recently. I am always doing scrappy quilts and show on my blog my scrappy Patchwork of the Crosses

  3. Redding, Ca was 109 Friday - will be 111 today and 103 Sunday with a cooling trend on Monday at 93. Who would have thought a cooling trend would be in the 90's! Hot or cold when the "sew group" gets together that is always fun. Have a great day................

  4. Posting early this week. I'm thinking that ironing all this fabric will be the total of my scrappy Sunday effort for this week. Too many other things on the goal list for June!

  5. I've started a new scrappy quilt so I actually have something to share tomorrow for Scrap Basket Sunday.

  6. Kim I hope your sewing day turned out wonderful. It's 6:30 pm and my thermometer says 117 IN THE SHADE of my back patio here off the American River. Tomorrow should be could it NOT be??

  7. Wouldn't it be lovely if our temperatures would even out and be comfortable for all. I do not envy you heat but would like a little bit of it up here. Signing on for another Sunday.

  8. Can't wait to see what's happening this week!

  9. Send some heat this way! In Illinois we are averaging about 15 degrees cooler than normal for this time of year! Just crazy!

  10. I'm late for the party! I posted my projects that I worked on this week.

    That is some hot weather you are having there!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!