Saturday, June 22, 2013

At Last, The Weekend!

The weekend is here, and I'm SOOOOO looking forward to sleeping in on Saturday.  Friday morning I jolted awake a few minutes before the alarm was set to go off, and I had that horrible panicked feeling I had overslept.  Luckily, it wasn't the case.  Now I think I'm going to try to relax and have a lazy weekend--the last several seem to have been filled with friends, family, social gatherings, and all those "have to get dones."  And while I love all that, I DO need a couple days of doing nothing much but hanging around the house every now and then.

Well, first things first--you probably want to know who won the Summer Picnic tablerunner pattern by Monice Moffat, right?  I have a few different ways I pick the winner of this type of giveaway.  Sometimes I'll ask Hubby for a number, sometimes I'll think of a number myself, sometimes I'll decide the winner is the person in the absolute middle of the entries, and sometimes it's the random number generator that decides.  This time it was the random number generator, and it picked number 27.  Number 27 on my list of entries is Anna of the Woolie Mammoth.  Anna, please email me your address, and I'll put the pattern in the mail to you.  Thank you again, Monice, for your generosity!  By the way, I've decided I'm going to start on my Summer Picnic quilt top soon.  I'll show you my progress as I go because I know some of you have the pattern and will be interested in watching.

Now it's time for Scrap Basket Sunday sign ups.  You all know what to do, right?  I hope you'll join us this week!


  1. Not much sewing going on in this fine weather but I did stitch some blues together. Taking advantage of the sun when it shines - even if it means the grass grows and needs mowing. Happy scraping everyone.

  2. Congratulations to Anna! I had hoped to get to my scraps this week but a few deadlines here so haven't been able to...hopefully next time!!

  3. I'm going to post something scrappy later today. Your blocks look great.

  4. I'm linked up and looking forward to all the fun posts!

  5. Almost missed Scrap Basket Sunday! Thanks for hosting, Kim!

  6. Doll quilt sewing for my granddaughter's & easy sewing.

  7. I love your blocks. I may have told you, but I have my fabrics together to make that quilt, too. I just love it, and all of Kim's designs.

    I'm late for the Scrap Basket Sunday party. I posted one, though. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone else's!

  8. I'm a day late because I was playing hookey over the weekend. But I did make some progress and am getting close to finishing all the blocks I need for my project.

  9. I got to play along this weekend Kim! I am trying to link up right now! Then I'm going to go visit everyone:0 thanks so much! I love seeing what you and everyone has been creating!

  10. Sorry, Mr Linky did some kind of automatic thing, so #11 isn't really suppose to be added. That was an old SBS.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!